September looms

Aug 02, 2013 14:44

It seems that I get to go to school in September. Social Services Worker. Second Career will cover all tuition, books, and what ever other expenses attached to the start of school. They will also pay something of an allowance each month, all I have to do is see if the Second Career funding will muddle up Ontario Works. I don't think it will because when we applied I told them I was applying to Second Career and asked if I would still be eligible if i went to school on Second Career. They said it wouldn't. D, my worker with Second Career wants to double check. That will have to wait until Tuesday. I am how ever getting VERY excited that I can go back to school, two years worth. Mike had been accepted into the PSW program, I'm getting my old text books together for him. It will save $700 or so for him. And Ian is all set for upgrading. This means there will be three of us at Northern College. Kind of cool.
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