
Feb 06, 2013 11:07

Well, it would have been if I could find my camera. we have two new additions to the family. BJ a kitten who was simply to cute to leave at the pet store, and MB who we acquired about two weeks later because BJ was lonely all on his own in the basement. They had been fostered together and are now the best of kitten friends. I was going to post a picture, but as I said my camera has disappeared. It will turn up. It is now twice as exciting to visit the boys in the basement. Kittens are such fun. In other fun I applied for a job yesterday. we will see what happens with that. I see the doctor tomorrow for an assortment of items. I hope he can suggest something for my head. Yesterday I ended up with an ache that is from the concussion plus the throb that is sinuses. Fairly distracting. Now more distracting is MB, short for mega byte. He was abandoned with his litter mates at about three weeks old. So he's been bottle fed. Like many kittens weaned to soon he likes to suckle. It is cute, and annoying at the same time. That's where he got his name from. I've been suckled on so many times typing this that my arms are now clean. (g) It is I think time for the yung men to go back down stairs. And for me to figure out what to do about my head and see what I can get done today.
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