Popular winter pastimes, up here at least.

Jan 05, 2013 15:20

Ice fishing. (Yes I've heard the joke and made it) is a huge deal up here, it's only the first week of January and the ice has only just been declared thik enough to use. But already you can see that Ice fishing is a big deal up here. along with snowmobiling and the other usual winnter sports, more about them in another post.

Todays pictures are in aid of a really really bad pun, that i have to share or I will explode. First an Ice fishing Hut waiting to be towed to the lake.

Now a picture of them in their natral setting. On the lake. Man this one is fuzzy.

A further away veiw. I need a better camera. Yes those are vehicles along side the Huts.

And now....

You'd think that with all these Hut's around I was on Tattoine.

There it's done and out. Now I can rest.
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