you're so last summer

Aug 29, 2005 08:13

so lets see
haven't been up to a whole lot
i go to cejays every night more or less

thursday night i went to kara's house and that was nice even though we didn't do anything. me and her used to be inseperable and now i like never see her! we were really into taking pictures lol. the next morning i went over to josh's bright and early because i hadn't seen that boy in forever! it was nice seeing him again :) i wish i could see him more often..but ya know..

so then friday night after work and fighting with cej, i went to rob's house and i have never seen so many big y people in one place. so yeah i had a pretty good time and i made some new friends and i have the new nickname big tits..

this weekend other than that, i haven't done like anything
school starts in 2 days...ehh that is not exciting
my life is anything but exciting so i don't know what to write about really
you're annoying and kind of resemble a fish :)
ouch i'm mean
ok that's enough
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