Nov 11, 2008 19:57
I miss livejournal! The past week or so I've been insanely nostalgic and pent up emotions and was wondering how the hell I would let them out.. alas livejournal here I am!
I am soooooooooooo ready to be done classes. Its finally november, so so close to december, when I'm done this year of class. Having a co-op job already set doesn't help either, now thats all I want to do is work. And I know 3 weeks into co-op I'm going to be praying for classes to come back. It's the circle of my life. Speaking of co-ops, yea I got a job, I'm working at New England Baptist Outpatient, because I realized I want to go with what I know and love and take it further, and that working in a non-rehab hospital setting would be a miserable 6 months for me. So I went with essentially the same job I had before, except new people, and different location. I am insanly excited!!
I'm having a pretty great semester, grade wise. I feel like I'm finally holding my own in my classes and have a good grasp on what I'm learning and it's really relieving. If anything has come from this year of class is that I am finally taking classes where I'm doing actual PT stuff and enjoy it. Its so crazy to think that most people I went to high school with will be done next semester (and some this semester!) and are applying for grad schools and whatnot. It feels weird knowing that I'm all set for school for the next 2 1/2 years and don't have to reapply and whatnot. That was my intention though, that when it came to this point that I am where I am.
So Dan and I have been living together for alittle over 2 months and its going really well. I had no doubt that it would be difficult for us to live together. We are learning things about each other that we didn't know before and it's brought some excitement to our relationship :o) I cant believe that it's been almost 2 years, so so much has happened!! Its hard to believe. I kind of miss the beginning and the trips to see each other and the late night guitar hero with Shaun and the up all night conversations. I miss the new excited feeling, although its so awesome knowing that when I come home Dan is there :-) it makes the day worth more.
Its so weird to think of Shaundra in college too. Just thinking about how time has flown by is wild. But I guess thats life.
I really want to update this more often, although it does remind me of high school, and then I get all these weird feelings, like missing old friends and crew and just that high school feeling, its impossible to explain. At the same time, it helps me clear my mind.
I think I'm gonna watch a movie