Aug 23, 2005 21:46
Tomorrow will be my first CHAPEL in 2 years, how exciting, I hope it’s interesting. I’m so excited about going to eat lunch with Lauren and her dad tomorrow. I love her dad, he’s so funny, he’s just an all around awesome guy! Today was pretty gay, I did really bad on two things, PHYSICS and Elementary ANALYSIS, so I think I’m gonna fail senior year. I’m just going to have to work a lot harder than I’m used to working at Duncanville, which is okay because I need to be ready for college. Speaking of College Micah leaves tomorrow (tear) everyone is leaving and starting their lives, its so exciting and sad at the same time, he was like my first best friend at D’ville, I’m going to miss him so much but at least he is only going to Galveston so he won’t be that far away. I’m finally ordering a SENIOR ring! GO ME! And yesterday I decided that the back of my Senior shirt is going to say SO FETCH! Because I’m awesome and I couldn’t think of anything else to put on there in the last minuet. Maybe Ill change it to ROYALTY! Give me your thoughts on that. Okay I’m gonna go shower and then go to sleep, I have to wake up at like 5:20 tomorrow but it will be fun because I get to take Jonathan to school! I’m really excited about that, but I’m going to need lots of coffee to make it through tomorrow awake!
PS! Today during basketball my baby(Andrew) hurt his back so pray for him because he can’t get hurt before the season starts, they need someone to rebound all their misses!