May 24, 2004 19:54
Why is it that you become infatuated with all these little things that really you should be paying no attention to? Someone will make a wise crack and you think, "Oh my G-D, is it true, why do they think that, was it something I said." People get so worked up over the small things and it's the big things that people should worry about. See I get so nervous and worked up about a small incident that sometimes I don't see the positive outcomes of it and I stress my self out for nothing. (Kinda like a math Like for instance you get this horrendous pimple and you totally flip out, you run around your house looking for a cure, anything that will reduce this big red bump on your face, then you cry and say things like, "Why me, oh why me?" or "I wash my face a gizzillion times a day and how can someone such as mwah get a pimple?" But what you don't seem to realize is that pimples are so normal, they r as normal as fish is to water. So be thankful your a normal teenager or adult, or child, whatever floats your boat, (but can sink mine, so in a way that's a bad expression, don't yah think?) Another thing is that we don't recognize all these wonderful things that are happening around us, and we just pass them by without care, so go ahead take a second look at things,help someone who needs help, don't be so stuck on yourself, help a homeless person, i dunno just do something useful, like i do useful stuff to, for instance cleaning my room when i am told, and doing my homework, well I think i have run out of things to say in this entry, I'll write another one later, remember i will give hints in my entries ... first hint
(Hint: When you get a pimple, never ever ever over wash ur face, this will casue you to burn it, so wash your face like 3 times a day, and then when your done, put rubbing alcohol on a cotton ball and rub it on your face, avoid the eyes, and do not inhale, even if tempted, use with caution!)