Birthday fic for adorkable37

Aug 15, 2006 20:51

Title: Sharing


Pairing: H/D

Summary: Harry brings home a puppy, and Draco is most definitely not pleased.

Written as a birthday fic for
adorkable37 and for the AWDT prompt ‘I’m going to fuck you like an animal’.  Unbetaed. One of these days I'm going to have to find me a beta reader.

Rating: M-ish

Word Count: 1,517. So much for brevity.



Draco peered suspiciously at the little ball of black fur thrust under his nose by an overexcited Harry. “And what, pray tell, am I looking at?”

“It’s a puppy Draco, honestly. I picked her up today from the pet shop down the street. What do you think? Isn’t she beautiful?”

Now Draco was by no means an irrational wizard. Granted, he had his moments - all right - days when things upset him, but damn it, he had delicate sensibilities. And every inch of his upbringing screamed that no respectable wizard had dogs as indoor pets. Dogs were meant to guard the properties, and were to be kept outdoors at all times. He looked once again at the sleeping form curled up in Harry’s arms with some distaste and searched for the best way to explain to his boyfriend that this was simply not going to do.

“Harry-”, he started slowly, “We never discussed-”

“I know,” Harry interrupted, those maddening green eyes dancing as he looked imploringly at Draco, “I know, but she looked so lonely in the shop in her little cage, and look, she’s even purebred. Her parents were champion somethingorother spaniels!”

Draco looked helplessly around the room, as if their very expensive, antique sofa was suddenly going to leap to his rescue. Then, surprisingly, it did.

“Harry. We’ve just filled the flat with loads of expensive furniture - antiques. It will not do to have a dog paw all over them and rip the upholstery to shreds.”

“I’ll train her, I swear,” Harry said quickly, warming up to a speech he had obviously prepared on the way over, “and I’m sure there are furniture protection spells somewhere, Hermione’ll find them for me. I already asked her. And I’ll potty train the puppy myself, so you won’t have to deal with a mess at all.” He pouted, knowing from Draco’s slowly narrowing eyes that he was winning, “Please?”

Draco was already at a loss. The truth was that he didn’t much care for dogs either way, and coming down to it, he didn’t much give a toss about the state of the furniture either. He looked at the dog with its little mouth wide open in a sleepy yawn, and at the loving looks that Harry was giving it, and his inner child threw a massive tantrum. It was a dignified and tasteful tantrum, but a tantrum nonetheless. He just wasn’t ready to share Harry with anyone, he thought belligerently- animal, vegetable or mineral. He didn’t care if it was a selfish thing to want, he was an only child after all; selfish was his bloody birthright.

“You discussed this with Granger before talking to me?” Draco knew he was being silly and avoiding the topic, but he needed time to work out a plan of action, “anything else about our lives that the general public knows, Potter, that I don’t?”

“Huh?”, Harry blinked and, to Draco’s continually building chagrin, held the puppy closer to his chest, “What are you on about? I only asked her to make sure that those spells existed before I got the puppy. I was trying to be considerate.”

“Oh very considerate Harry,” Draco’s voice was beginning to rise and the puppy started to squirm further away from him toward Harry. “First you go and get that thing into the house without so much as a word to me, and then I find out you’ve been discussing private matters involving me with random people. And now you expect me to just smile and be all right with you? Ha!”



“Draco, damnit, stop being such a prat. You and I both know this has nothing to do with Hermione.” Harry was starting to get upset too. He put the puppy down, ‘finally’ Draco thought, “What’s your bloody problem?”

“My problem, you almighty ponce? I’ll tell you my problem. I don’t like dogs. Full stop. I don’t want them in my house, I don’t want to have to step around dog-messes every day, I don’t want to have to smell dog food in my kitchen,” Draco was full into rant-mode now, waving his arms about and noting with some glee that the dog was cowering in its makeshift cardboard home. “I don’t want to have to tell you that we’re supposed to decide these things together. This was supposed to be our flat, to live our lives in. Our lives, as in yours and mine. I don’t want to have to share you with anyone else, and I certainly won’t give up our time together to a bloody dog! And I’ll tell you another thing…” Draco broke off when he saw the big, goofy grin spreading across Harry’s face. “What on earth are you laughing at, Potter? I - mmmph”

Harry launched himself at Draco, his lips covering the blond’s in a long, demanding kiss. Despite himself, Draco melted against the embrace, as usual forgetting everything outside of the circle of Harry’s arms. They kissed for several long, pleasurable moments, Draco’s hands twining through the soft hair at the back of Harry’s head, relishing the slide of his boyfriend’s hands over his back and shoulders.

A highly ill-timed yip from the blasted dog ended the moment and Draco pulled away. “What was that for?”

“Why didn’t you tell me you were upset about that?” Harry asked, that silly grin refusing to leave his face. “Of course you’re not going to have to share me with a dog. Wherever would you get that idea?”

“Well, she’s a puppy. They need time and attention and all that, and, well, I do too.” Draco pouted, rather fetchingly he thought. “I don’t want my attention to go to someone else.”

“Draco,” Harry laughed, “I promise. She won’t get any of the attention that is rightfully yours. Besides, you might grow to love her, and forget all about me. What of that?”

“Ha. Unlikely.” Draco snorted, glaring at the offending animal that was now gamboling happily around them.

Harry bent and scooped her up again and to Draco’s immense surprise, deposited the entire bundle in his arms.

“Here,” said Harry, “why don’t you get to know her before you make up her mind.”

Draco looked down at the puppy who was in the process of getting comfortable in his arms. She looked up at him with large, brown eyes and yawned again, preparing to settle in for another nap. Draco knew he had lost. He carefully placed the now sleeping pup back into her pile of blankets and turned to Harry, a carefully tortured look on his face.

“Fine Harry. If she means that much to you, you may keep her. Mind you get those protection spells from Hermione though. I need to cast them on every article of clothing I own. Dog or not, I will not have my robes plagued by stray dog hair.”

Harry’s grin grew even wider and he pulled Draco into another, harder kiss. Draco moved them until Harry was trapped between him and the kitchen counter, his hands clutching Draco’s hips, their tongues dancing together.

“Of course,” Draco continued when they broke for air, “I’m going to have to get something in return.” He dipped his mouth and attacked the side of Harry’s neck, eliciting a moan from the other man.

“W- What do you want?” Harry ground out even as his hips pushed against Draco’s, their erections pressing and moving together, creating the most fantastic friction.

“Well, now that you ask,” Draco gave him an evil smirk, “No matter what you say, this dog is going to take a fair bit of attention once she wakes up. So I’m going to have to get my time in while I still can. And for the next few hours, you’re mine Potter. To do exactly what I want.”

“What do you want to do Draco,” Harry’s breathing was ragged as his hands moved lower and gripped Draco’s arse, pulling him even closer than before.

Draco licked a line up Harry’s jaw, before breathing into the shell of his ear, “I’m going to fuck you like an animal. I’m going to make you bend over and beg me to give it to you, hard and fast and raw until you can’t breathe anymore. I’m going to pound into you so hard that you see stars as you come, screaming my name.”

“Oh god, Draco,” Harry moaned as Draco’s hands gripped his cock, almost hard enough to bruise, “Yes, yes, now.”

They stumbled somehow into the bedroom and landed on the bed in a wild tangle of arms, legs, lips and sweat.

Hours later, they lay, side by side, not speaking, just enjoying the silence of post-coital peace when there was a scratch and whine at the door.

“And it begins,” grumbled Draco as Harry jumped up to attend to the puppy.

“Come on Draco,” Harry placated him, “She just needs to be fed. I’ll be right back.”

“What are you going to name her anyhow?” Draco called after him, settling back into the bedclothes.

“I don’t know. What do you think of Madeline?”


fanfic, h/d

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