Fic: H/D Drabble time!

Jul 23, 2006 15:35

Title: Guava Juice, or a severe lack thereof.


Rating: NC-17, or just under.

Summary: Lazy Sunday mornings are made for sleeping in and a Draco!Tantrum.
H/D, written in honor of the lovelies I spend my favourite part of Sundays with -
armchair_slash and the Sunday afternoon chat brigade.

Un-betaed and unashamed.



Harry grumbled and rolled over, twisting himself even further into the depths of the white cotton bedspread, “leemealonesleepingc’mere”.

Draco allowed himself to be manhandled into a comfortable sprawl, his long limbs strewn across various bits of Harry’s anatomy. He lay there, very patiently, with his nose buried in Harry’s neck, enjoying the sleepy morning smell and the soft, wuffling sounds of breathing. Then, he remembered with some annoyance, what he had wanted in the first place.

He huffed impatiently and poked Harry in the sensitive spot on the back of his neck.

“Harry! Wake up! It’s late and I’m hungry and I want my guava juice!”

“Wuh..?” Oh yes, Draco thought, brightest candle in the room, this one was.

“Harry. It’s nearly noon, it’s Sunday, we haven’t had breakfast and I want guava juice!”

“What is guava juice?” Harry finally blinked sleepily at him, looking completely rumpled and not entirely happy.

“Guava juice. Juice from a guava. Pink and cold and utterly delicious,” Draco’s patience was wearing thin, “You didn’t get any like I asked you to yesterday. Honestly, you insist on poncing about in muggle stores and you can’t get me the One Thing I want.”

“Draco,” said Harry patiently, turning over and starting to get comfortable again, “You asked me for loads of things. I got you the fresh noodles, I got you the salt water taffy sweets, I got you those awful smelling dead salts or whatever, and I don’t think this guava juice business exists. Go back to sleep.”

“I most certainly will not,” Draco was really starting to get annoyed, “We had some in that restaurant the other day. You saw me having some. You saw how much I liked it. And you purposely didn’t get me any.”

“Oh that vile tasting pink thing? How could you possibly like anything that looks like stomach medicine?”

“It looks like no such thing,” Draco said indignantly, “stomach potions are green you utter idiot. How you passed potions is beyond me. Anyway, now I want some and you didn’t get any.”

At the sound of his boyfriend’s rapidly rising voice, Harry gave up on the idea of sleep and turned over, looking up at Draco lazily. He smiled.

“So it seems,” he said, reaching for Draco, “I’m terribly sorry, love.”

Draco let himself be pulled a few inches toward Harry’s naked chest before his resolve returned, possibly along with his morning hard-on. “You should be. Now I’m upset.”

Harry didn’t need any further encouragement. In a flash, he had turned them over and was now lying full on top of Draco, his long erection pressing into the blonde’s already trembling inner thigh. Without closing his eyes, he leaned down and kissed Draco, languorous and deep, and started running his hands up and down the sides of his body. “Still upset?”

“mmmh,” Draco moaned into his mouth, before tilting his chin up to give Harry better access to that spot on his neck. He decided to take a very long time to get over his disappointment. After all, he had really, really wanted some guava juice today.


Hope you like.

fanfic, h/d

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