tree of (my) life

Oct 02, 2008 14:36

Here's my 'healthy lungs for me and the world' ring.

3 trees I love:

Curly willow - salcie cret in Romanian (sal-CHEE-eh KRETS); I love the squiggly branches and curly leaves. First noticed this tree in Moldova, and there's one right by the building I work in now that I didn't notice for YEARS. Like most willows, it likes to "have its feet wet."

Live oak; I mean, duh. The grandeur, arching over roads, dripping with Spanish moss. Reminds me of visiting family in Savannah.

Linden trees - tei in Romanian (TAY), made famous by the "Nu ma nu ma" song; another one I first noticed in Moldova. I love when they are in bloom, with the pale green teardrop shaped secondary leaves hanging down and the little white, fragrant flowers dangling below them. I love to just walk underneath while they're blooming, look up, and breathe deeply.

trees, quit smoking

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