International Blog Against Racism Week

Aug 05, 2008 09:52

This is the third annual International Blog Against Racism Week.

To participate:

1. If you use a blogging system that allows post icons/pictures, change your default icon to an antiracist icon.

2. Blog about race or racism: in media, in life, in the news, personal experiences, writing characters of color, portrayals of race in fiction, review a book on the subject, etc. The exact topic is up to you, although this year we suggest intersectionality as an optional theme. Posts from previous years are collected at the ibarw LJ community and in the IBARW delicious bookmarks.

3. Comment on the appropriate daily ibarw post with your post's URL, title, and tag suggestions for it to be included in link compilations.

You can find links to last years' posts and such here.

For now I'll just post a link to an NYT update on former inhabitants of a FEMA trailer park.

ibarw, nola

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