monster post

Jul 09, 2008 14:02


Here, have 50 million links about recycling and crafts and socks and boots and stuff. Whoo. And now I'm going to try to focus on work, instead.

How have I come this far without knowing the Japanese word/concept mottainai? It means "a sense of regret concerning waste when the intrinsic value of an object or resource is not properly utilized." Oh hell yeah.

Check out the mottainai furoshiki and this handy link showing lots of furoshiki folding. I might have to start carrying a bandanna along with my Chico Bag.

350 - "350 is the red line for human beings, the most important number on the planet. The most recent science tells us that unless we can reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to 350 parts per million, we will cause huge and irreversible damage to the earth."

Creativity 350 - Use your mad crafty skillz to bring attention to 350

Recycle This - based in UK, but lots of awesome ideas. Like ideas on how to make a jewellery holder. I've got some driftwood I brought back from Oregon about a decade ago (yes, in my suitcase) and I'm thinking of screwing cup hooks into them for my necklaces. If I can find the wall space.

Thread - BBC's ethical fashion blog - haven't had time to really check this out.

Terracycle - partnering with corperations to collect waste and make new products.

Junk Jewelry - what it says.

JBL arts - flowers from bottles and more. I have a bunch of orange LED lights, I'm tempted to make them into flowers or something.

DadCanDo - or anyone else. Harry Potter wands and Dragon Eggs, among other projects. Including a light-up TARDIS

diy lighting ideas - since the light switch for my overhead light is in the hall, it'd be cool to make something for my room.

Threadbangers - neat-o tutorials.

Flist, you have failed me. When I was burbling on about skulls n bones knee-highs and such, why didn't anyone remind me about Sock Dreams? Because they have styles I will actually wear that are cute and cheaper. ::sigh:: cupcake_goth, some of these may be more up your alley than the tube socks I linked before.

Skelly socks
Pink/white stripey with black skulls
Pink/black stripey w/ skulls
Yet another pink/black/skull combo
Pirate socks (they have matching arm warmers)
Kneehighs w/ hooks in back Guh
HP house pride
Winking skulls They will be mine. Oh, yes. They will.

It's not the season, but I still want arm warmers.
Stripey w/ skulls

Plus they have:
Rugby socks (reasonable price, made in USA)
Recycled yarn (made in USA)
Rugby/cable/recycled yarn

I could drop so much money there, right now.

Not for me, but I do dig these spat-like boots.
I like these but I need something a little dressier for work.
Scorch, indeed.

crafty, meaningless consumer-driven lives, walk the talk

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