Apr 15, 2008 12:48

So there's this meme-y thing around as referred to in the subject line, where people are making lists of awesome women - some of whom, they feel, are unfairly maligned. Here is my short contribution to said meme. (clearly I'm leaving out some obvious ones - Starbuck, Roslin, Faith, Kaylee, etc, b/c I feel like they get plenty of fannish love)

Trixie Belden - spirited, flawed, tomboy detective. Suck it, Nancy Drew.
Kelly Clarkson - yes, I like her completely without irony.
Kylie Minogue - ditto
Christina Aguilera - ditto
Aud Torvingen - will not stop pimping until people read.
Angelina Jolie - she picks kickass characters to play, she's a badass, and she evolves. You go, Angie girl.
Eowyn - book version, thanks.

Dude, googling for Aud has given me a new list of books to read.

And, thanks to the pimping of hackthis yesterday, I think I have to add Jenny Owen Young to my list. Here, I uploaded "Fuck was I" just for you. Please take it.

If we weren't such good friends, I think that I'd hate you, if we weren't such good friends I'd wish you were dead.

What the fuck was I thinking?

Dude, she covered "Hot in Herre," which you can listen to on her MySpace You can even watch the video, set in an igloo, complete w/ Russian folk dancers, ice fishing, a breakdancing polar bear, and a cocktail-swilling Yeti. FTW.

Somehow I've been to her blog before, b/c I recognize the most recent entry. Huh. If you tried to introduce me to Ms. JOY, and I did not respond, I hereby apologize. I mean, how can you not love someone with this kind of merch? Oh yes, I will be buying her CDs/t-shirt/button that says "Jenny says go fuck yourself".

big pimpin, meme

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