Oh Hai There:

Jan 04, 2010 11:20

Huh... would you look at that?!  I have a blog!  Who knew?

I know.  I suck.  I promise to work on it.  I have so much to tell you.  Actual things to say and write about.  Blog posts of length and quality material.  But because I suck, you're going to have to wait. I'm currently editing the over 500 photos I shot in less than an hour yesterday.  The over 500 photos I shot of five children between the ages of two and six.  Yeah I know... not only do I suck but I'm also a masochist.

Just to give you an idea of what I was up against, of what my film looks like for 490 of the 500 photos, I give you an outtake:

*Edited note: Client just called to inform me that the kids have been asking for "Miss Lindsey" all day. :)

work, lifestyle, photography

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