...чем они живут и кого они цитируют
Увы, этот клип и пост для тех, кто понимает английский со слуха.
Ну а для остальных я вытащил текст из Captions и причесал его (расставил точки и т.д.)
Но если что непонятно - осваивайте гугл-транслейт сами.
А лучше всего - учите английский...
Теперь несколько слов по клипу:
Девочка говорит с выраженным "New England accent" - что вполне Нью Йорку соответствует.
Далее, у неё высшее образование, colledge degree, а может и master - нет сомнений.
Судите сами - текст более 500 слов, без бумажки-черновика - и при том ни одной незвершённой фразы, никаких эканий и растягиваний артиклей.
И практически полное отсутсвие сорных слов - никаких "you know", "go like" и прочих, одно единственное "I mean" - и там, где она оправдано по смыслу.
Совершенно точно - девочку учили излагать мысли - без бумажки, внятно и чисто. Причём, учили хорошие учителя, и получила она не меньше B+.
И ещё - словечки типа "Brah!" и "Yahtzee" - это вполне внятные указатели на студенческий жаргон.
Последнее - в четыре минуты она уложила примерно 570 слов, или ~140 слов в минуту.
То есть строго на серединке того темпа, который считается оптимальным для лекции или доклада.
Да, да - в "яблочко" можно попасть и случайно. Но так же - это может свидетельствовать о хорошей подготовке.
Особенно - в сочетании с остальными признаками.
Теперь по теме:
Да, четыре года президентства Трампа - изрядно всколыхнули американское общество.
И - вполне как в природоведении - со дна при этом поднялась муть и грязь.
Ну, будем надеяться, что события этого года - помогут удалить Трампа - с политической сцены...
В общем - рекомендую послушать умную женщину.
В конце концов - четыре минуты - не так уж долго :)
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В помощь тем, кому непривычен New England accent:
When people show you who they are believe them.
"He who owns the youth gains the future"
Look at who that quote is by.
They're not kidding. They literally put his name at the end of that quote.
It's not like they saw the quote, they were like - oh, that sounds good.
Kind of sounds like what we're trying to do here.
But I don't know who it's by, let's put it in the newsletter anyway.
They knew who said it, they put who said,
It this is Paige Miller the spokesperson for Moms For Liberty.
Now, we could just tell she doesn't season her food, right?
They have her come out and say (with a potato salad filled with raisins)
she says we condemn mustache man's actions and his dark place in human history.
We should not have quoted him in our newsletter and express our deepest apology.
These groups are raising money hand over fist and they're not just using it to infiltrate school boards.
They're lobbying with lawmakers as well.
While the numbers aren't exact it's anywhere between 80 to 100 thousand members Nationwide.
And they're not just hitting up red States.
They're lobbying lawmakers in places like New York too.
The Southern Poverty Law Center has labeled them as hate group and the fact that these women are quoting Adi H. - it’s not an over-exaggeration.
I mean, it's pretty common sense that from the 1930s till today quoting him isn't the best idea.
And if your beliefs and your mission is aligned with one of his quotes then - Yahtzee - this was no accident.
They're telling us exactly what their mission is and what their ideology is.
And because they look like this they give off the vibe that they're harmless - but make no mistake - they are dangerous. Just as dangerous as the group from the 1930s, and they're using their years of experience of being sucked into pyramid schemes to multi-level market fascism. Instead of Tupperware and leggings they're selling you far-right extremism.
And it's coming to a school near you.
Now, I'm not a violent person, but if you put me in a room with Paige Miller or any other of those «white Karens» - we wouldn't be having a bridge tournament.
I'll just tell you that much.
I've tried to use my platform to warn everyone how Fascism and right-wing extremism is very much on the rise in this country.
And the marginalized groups that these people keep attacking and they're not going to stop unless we stop them.
And we have to fight back against this shit.
And it's not just people on the left that can do it.
I'm talking to people on the right that if you are not too far gone and don't want to associate yourselves with people like that - you gotta wake up and help us fight back too.
Because if you don't look like this (oh, hi there, Ron DeSantis!) they're coming after you next.
Mark my words.
Mustache man didn't just go for the Jews - people with physical and mental disabilities, the LGBTQ community, Jehovah's Witnesses, Romani and Soviet citizens - anyone who didn't fit under his idea of the Master Race.
And these people are not going to stop until they achieve their Master Race.
It's - it's time - okay?
It's time to get angry.
I've been angry, but some of you need to wake up.