Kamala Harris: Justice must be served to the perpetrators

Feb 19, 2023 13:32

Вицепрезидент США Камала Харрис: Преступникам не уйти от правосудия

Подборка публикаций по теме, for future reference

Karl Ritter and Geir Moulson, Associated Press (February 18, 2023): US: Russia has committed crimes against humanity in Ukraine

Jasmine Wright, CNN (February 18, 2023): US declares Russia has committed crimes against humanity in Ukraine
Цитата: “In the case of Russia’s actions in Ukraine, we have examined the evidence, we know the legal standards, and there is no doubt: These are crimes against humanity,” Harris said in a speech at the Munich Security Conference. She added, “To all those who have perpetrated these crimes, and to their superiors who are complicit in those crimes, you will be held to account.”

Ben Gittleson and Molly Nagle, abcNEWS (February 18, 2023): Russia committed 'crimes against humanity' in Ukraine: VP Harris
Цитата: "In the case of Russia's actions in Ukraine, we have examined the evidence, we know the legal standards, and there is no doubt, these are crimes against humanity. The United States has formally determined that Russia has committed crimes against humanity," Harris said in her remarks at the Munich Security Conference.
гуглперевод: «В случае с действиями России на Украине мы рассмотрели доказательства, знаем правовые нормы, и нет никаких сомнений, что это преступления против человечности. США официально определили, что Россия совершила преступления против человечности», - Харрис. Об этом говорится в ее выступлении на Мюнхенской конференции по безопасности.

Claire Parker, The Washington Post (February 18, 2023): What are crimes against humanity? The United States has accused Russia of committing them in Ukraine
Цитата: "U.S. officials have accused Russia of committing “crimes against humanity” in Ukraine, a legal designation that implicates high-level decision-makers in widespread atrocities as Moscow’s war in Ukraine nears the one-year mark."
гуглперевод: Официальные лица США обвинили Россию в совершении «преступлений против человечности» на Украине - юридическое определение, которое обвиняет высокопоставленных лиц в массовых зверствах...

Lidia Kelly, REUTERS (February 19, 2023): Russian envoy: U.S. seeks to inflame Ukraine crisis with claims of crimes against humanity
Цитата: "Washington is trying to demonize Moscow and foment the crisis in Ukraine with allegations of Russian crimes against humanity, Russia's ambassador to the United States said on Sunday."
гуглперевод: Вашингтон пытается демонизировать Москву и разжечь кризис в Украине обвинениями в преступлениях России против человечности, заявил в воскресенье посол России в США.

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