Jun 12, 2009 05:50
There's a common thread uniting the major incidents of the last year-- attacks out of nowhere, well-coordinated and carried out in secrecy, striking at highly public targets, incurring heavy death tolls, but never coming out and stating a purpose. It's been nearly a year since Kropmork, and there still haven't been any plausible suspects.
I find it likely that these incidents are related, if only because it's implausible to have multiple organizations capable of carrying that sort of mission out in complete secrecy, which just all happen to be advancing the same aims of spreading fear and instability.
For once, the 4423 hasn't been directly affected by the most recent event. Hell, under other circumstances, I'd say it would even be a good thing for us, to have Ivona's government attacked in a way that leaves them less time to worry about us pirates. But to me, right now, the assassination just reminds me whoever is doing these things is still active--which can only be a bad thing for us.
We were there at Kropmork. We were struck on Lunasa. We were the sole survivors of Doma. We are at greater risk of having seen something to implicate the guilty and not yet realized it than perhaps anyone else, and therefore at greater risk of being struck by an enemy who sees no borders.
I won't suggest that we shouldn't go to this race. But I advise that we dock away from the other ships that are going, and keep security high during and after the race itself. It would be like this enemy to attack during a large, international event like this, and I'd rather exercise more caution than turns out to be necessary than to see them finally succeed in killing us all.
Captain. How is your recovery coming?
[Private to Anko, Samurai Buddies]
Anything new?
dead presidents,
taking care of business,
just in case,
dealing with everyone,
zou is bossy,