Forty-fifth Scheme [Voice | Multiple Filters]

Feb 09, 2009 17:28

[Private to 4423 | Unhackable]

[Hijikata's voice is as firm and calm as ever it has been.]

There's no sense in panicking. It's obvious that our situation is bad, but thoughtless reactionism will only dig the hole deeper.

Someone is responsible, and in all likelihood, someone is pinning the blame on us consciously, whether it's to cover their tracks or to give people a convenient explanation, someone to blame so they can deal with their grief and fear and hate. When we have the opportunity, we will have to deal with these people, but survival is our top priority for the moment.

As important as crew solidarity is at a time like this, I will say once: [A note of anger creeps into his voice] If I ever find out that one of you was involved, I will deal with them personally.

[His voice goes calm and steady again.] For now, the crew should concern itself with making sure any injuries from the battle have been treated, storing and keeping track of our spoils from it, and making certain the ship is still in top condition. You have your duties; focus on them, and let the Captain and officers worry about how to deal with this.

[Locked to Anko, Kambei, Gorobei, Heihachi | Unhackable]

While neither the crew as a whole nor the Captain is responsible for this, the possibility exists that someone on board is involved. If any such people are here, it's too dangerous to keep them around.

Keep an eye out. Ask questions when you can. If we're all innocent of this, so much the better, but if there's a traitor among us, I want to know, and I imagine you do as well.

[Locked to Isako, Winry, and Hiruma | Unhackable]

Are we going to obey the summons and go back to Berum?

[Locked to Self | Unhackable]

[As confident and controlled as he sounded before--that's exactly as weary and doubtful as he sounds here]

...Whoever is responsible for this, whatever they're thinking, they went too far. They...

I shouldn't have brought Souji on a ship like this... Could we really leave, though? The crew doesn't deserve us abandoning them, but I don't want to put him in any more danger...

If one of ours is responsible...[A fist slams against the table, and for a few moments, there is silence. Finally, there's a soft thump as he puts his elbows down and rests his head in his hands, and an exhausted groan.]

...Just when things had started to go right for a change...


worried, work, re-evaluating, slaughter sans laughter, reflections, sabotage, 4423, doma, spying, muh?, orders, souji, tired

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