Jul 28, 2005 22:51
I went through some old conversations on AIM and picked out some choice ones. Enjoy.
spirited gone: hey, u feeling any better?
blankperson1: Yea, thanks Jess...what you said helped a lot
spirited gone: it did?
blankperson1: yea, I needed that advice more than anything. I needed a wake up call and that's what you gave me
spirited gone: well, Im glad I could help
blankperson1: yea, how have you been?
spirited gone: eh, alright I guess, kinda emotion 'hey-wired' myself
blankperson1: I know what that's like, how I felt most of this week
spirited gone: well, Im guessing you were more worse off than I was. Maybe you could come over Saturday to hang out, during the day? (I keep feeling like I have something planned then..but I dont)
blankperson1: okay, that would be kool. And yea yesterday I was pretty emotional but I figured out why I'd start crying so much (usually I don't that much) damn female problems got me all high strung
spirited gone: lol, that totally drags
spirited gone: I was thinking of calling John, to say hi, see how he is (::other me:: talk me out of it, god!)
blankperson1: lol
spirited gone: oh hey, I just got your email
spirited gone: do you want me to invite everyone?
blankperson1: I wish you look if you do it. Phone calls with people like John can get akward..
blankperson1: Yea, I thought that be kool
spirited gone: yeah I know, especially since he might only be interested in flirting. But ok, I will invite everyone
blankperson1: I never really heard him flirt.. Does it sound funny? j/w....cuz what I think he'd sound like flirting would be like really retarded sounding to me
spirited gone: yeah it is, basically that whole thing kc wrote (and what I wrote in my journal) is that he talks in a way that doesnt sound normal, like his voice is all sexy and Im like '...retard'
blankperson1: Suxs you can't go to the party before Halloween, I think it's gonna be fun
blankperson1: lol, that's funny
spirited gone: oh yeah I know. other people might though
blankperson1: But if you call it will probably give the impression to him that you have interest in him and guys usually take that the wrong way
spirited gone: yeah, I told a bunch of people from school Id go with them to some 'huge party', but now Im not so sure I'll go. Yes! Boys take it the wrong way and I wanna slap em! lol. I mean really it'd be nice to just talk but, I know thats kinda wishful thinking
blankperson1: Heh this is just ironic because just before I was talking with my friend and it was the same thing running through my head...he just kept talking about him wanting a g/f and wanting to get laid and how much he loved me the most. All I wanted to do was talk about random stuff and possibly but no it turned into something completely different. When people say guys have a one tracked mind it's usually true
spirited gone: lmao, dang straight
blankperson1: Huge party? a huge party with a whole bunch of high school kids (no offense) sounds like a lot of drama and pain to me, heh
spirited gone: lol, most of them I kinda know that just goof around 24/7. But yeah when he starts that you should be like "anyways.. as you were saying?"
blankperson1: lol
spirited gone: well, Im gonna get some Jak 2 in before bed, glad you feel better. ttyl
blankperson1: later, have fun
spirited gone: thanks, c-ya
spirited gone: hey its tanya
floogamaboo: Hey!
spirited gone: im at mimics house
floogamaboo: I heard you called twenty minutes ago. =>.<=
spirited gone: lol
spirited gone: hehe sorry
floogamaboo: I had to stay late at work, and walk home in pouring rain.
spirited gone: im soo sorry
floogamaboo: It's okay. I'm just happy I get to talk to you.
spirited gone: ::blushes::
spirited gone: me too
spirited gone: ahh mimic
spirited gone: !!!!!!!!!
floogamaboo: ???
spirited gone: mwah ha ha!
floogamaboo: ...
spirited gone: shes dead..sorry
floogamaboo: ...Tanya is?
spirited gone: ~~~>this is tanya X_X
spirited gone: ..yeeah anyways
spirited gone: lol
floogamaboo: =-.-=
spirited gone: we wanna call yoooooooooou
floogamaboo: Go ahead. =^.^=
spirited gone: alright right then get off so we can~
spirited gone: !*
floogamaboo: Someone is on my phone?
spirited gone: you have dsl?
floogamaboo: Cable.
spirited gone: OOH! ok well then we'll call now
floogamaboo: Yay!
spirited gone: bring
spirited gone: shes lying
spirited gone: Im killing her
spirited gone: hear screaming?
spirited gone: damn you!
spirited gone: hello?!
spirited gone: read me!
spirited gone: Im so sick
spirited gone: ::cough cough::
spirited gone: talk?
spirited gone: why are you laughing??
spirited gone: see?
spirited gone: dont question me
spirited gone: cough
spirited gone: dang..Im hungry
spirited gone: Im so interesting...
spirited gone: devil
spirited gone: satan
spirited gone: w/e
spirited gone: Its all good
spirited gone: shes killing me!!
spirited gone: she wont leave..
spirited gone: why wouldnt you talk to me?
spirited gone: you dont like me?
spirited gone: Sabi mys friend
spirited gone: shes worse..
spirited gone: MUCH..worse
spirited gone: good golly its hot in here..
spirited gone: becuz!!
floogamaboo is idle at 10:18:20 PM.
spirited gone: Im a glass case of emotion!!
spirited gone: Im going to sign off ok?
spirited gone: yuo sang prtyy
spirited gone: just kidding
spirited gone: you suck!
spirited gone: Im just kidding!!
spirited gone: I swear I didnt even hear you!
spirited gone: dont look!@
floogamaboo is no longer idle at 10:26:38 PM.
spirited gone: NO!
spirited gone: GRLS ONLY!
spirited gone: NO BOYS!
spirited gone: BOYS SMELL!
spirited gone: THROW ROCKS AT THEM!
spirited gone: Dont listen to me
spirited gone: Im a glass case of emotion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111
spirited gone: STOP IT!
spirited gone: better...
floogamaboo is away at 10:28:01 PM.
spirited gone: THANK YOU...VERY MUCH!
Auto response from floogamaboo: ykmytgjhfnhg
spirited gone: what the..?
spirited gone: whatd you call me?
spirited gone: say it to my face!
spirited gone: I'll cut you!
spirited gone: I'll cut you good!
spirited gone: Walmart!
spirited gone: I mean..
spirited gone: my I took my clothes off and she made them fall off the bed..
spirited gone: dirty
spirited gone: liar!
spirited gone: no shes not
spirited gone: shes ill
spirited gone: and dehydrated
spirited gone: shower
spirited gone: I dunno
spirited gone: me?
spirited gone: no!
spirited gone: Id never!
spirited gone: ....
spirited gone: omg!
spiritedgone: do you have friends?
GodLuvsLiarsInDC: then i sound naive
spiritedgone: are you listening to me?
GodLuvsLiarsInDC: i just like listening to it
spiritedgone: listening to what?
GodLuvsLiarsInDC: listening to saliva
spiritedgone: what does Saliva sound like?
GodLuvsLiarsInDC: sound like a tone
spiritedgone: what kind of tone
spiritedgone: ?
GodLuvsLiarsInDC: who is tone
GodLuvsLiarsInDC: where in tha hell do ya live tone?
spiritedgone: who is tone?
GodLuvsLiarsInDC: and dont give me that tone of voice!
spiritedgone: lmao, that actually made me laugh
GodLuvsLiarsInDC: i got you on my buddylist... i love it when i find intelligence online lol
spiritedgone: so, is this really a bot, or someone who is extremely bored?
GodLuvsLiarsInDC: This is a computer program designed to find intelligent entities on public chatrooms. Please send comments to tonythejuice2003@yahoo.com
spiritedgone: hm, I could swear you werent a bot, but if you insist
GodLuvsLiarsInDC: This is a computer program designed to find intelligent entities on public chatrooms. Please send comments to tonythejuice2003@yahoo.com
spiritedgone: I get it
GodLuvsLiarsInDC: i'm a girl that is glad she wasn't born in israel. What kind of parent chooses to raise their children in a war zone? totally fucked ^
spiritedgone: Im a girl who is so bored Im talking to some kind of weird chatting program
spirited gone: ok
spirited gone: get your boy toy in here
spirited gone: oops..
spirited gone: I mean..
floogamaboo: Oops what?
spirited gone: whats up?
spirited gone: lol, nvm!
floogamaboo: Nothing. =^.^=
makuwings: ggrrrrr
makuwings: i saw that mimic!!!
spirited gone: :-D
floogamaboo: ...?
spirited gone: I dunno what shes talking about...
floogamaboo: *Looks at them suspicously.*
makuwings: ::growls::
spirited gone: O:-)
floogamaboo: *Scratches head.* Eh?
spirited gone: ::goes into dressing room and comes out looking like a bussiness woman::
makuwings: ?
spirited gone: ::comes up to Evan with a clip board, pen, and some paper "Excuse me sir..I have some questions for you.." is all serious
makuwings: ::"???????????"::
floogamaboo: *Is nothing but confused, anymore.* Yeah?
spirited gone: :: looks at clip board "How old are you?...."::
floogamaboo: ...Fifteen...
spirited gone: ::checks off something on clip board "What planet/state do you live on/in?..."::
floogamaboo: Earth/Maine.
floogamaboo: Heh.
makuwings: ::rolls eyes at mimic::
spirited gone: ::checks off something again, flips papers "Do you like anime?..."::
floogamaboo: Of course.
makuwings: ::goes under desk::
spirited gone: :: "Do you like video games?"::
floogamaboo: Uh-huh.
makuwings: ::::
spirited gone: :: "Whats your favorite game/genre?"::
floogamaboo: Final Fantasy 7/RPG.
makuwings: ::smiles::
spirited gone: ::"Do yuo like cheesepuffs?"::
spirited gone: you*
makuwings: ::"???????????"::
floogamaboo: ...? To an extent.
spirited gone: :: "...do you have any?"::
floogamaboo: Not on me, but we sell them at work. =^.^=
spirited gone: :: looks at paper "tsk tsk..." checks things off...::
makuwings: ::jumps up "what?"::
makuwings: ::hits head::
floogamaboo: *Sweat drop.*
makuwings: ::"ow!"::
floogamaboo: *Rubs Maku's head.* Don't hurt yourself...
spirited gone: :: "you were doing good on this test..until you got to the cheesepuffs!"::
makuwings: ::smiles and blushes::
makuwings: ::"what is the result??"::
floogamaboo: (Hold on...)
spirited gone: -_-;
makuwings: (ok)
spirited gone: (okley doke)
floogamaboo: (*runs downstairs to where some things are kept*)
makuwings: (?)
spirited gone: (O.o)
floogamaboo: (Score!) Actually, I do have cheesepuffs!
floogamaboo: w00t.
spirited gone: ::gasp!::
floogamaboo: *Holds out bag.*
floogamaboo: *Smiles proudly.*
makuwings: ::smiles::
floogamaboo: (Knew those bastards were somewhere.... =^.^=)
makuwings: (lol)
spirited gone: ::grabs cheesepuffs with one and hand throws pen, clip board, and papers with the other "Yay! You pass! *munch*" runs around with cheesepuffs::
floogamaboo: ...I pass what?
spirited gone: "Mimics severe test..."::
floogamaboo: Do I win somethings?
floogamaboo: *-s
makuwings: ::"?"::
makuwings: ::"mimic a thief...of coarse not"::
makuwings: -_-
floogamaboo: =-.-= Unfair.
makuwings: lol
spirited gone: ::stops running around, looks at him with a mouth full of cheesepuffs "Uhh..theg graf of mwe eahing your cheezpuffs? (the grace of me eating your cheesepuff)::
makuwings: -_-
makuwings: ::tackles you::
makuwings: ::"give them back!!!"::
spirited gone: ::while being tackled shouvles cheesepuffs in mouth 'hurrg!'::
floogamaboo: *Hits head against wall.*
makuwings: ::"what...?" ....stares at her "you ate his cheese buff"::
spirited gone: ::looks at maku *munch...munch...cruunch.....gulp*::
floogamaboo: "Cheese buff?"
floogamaboo: "What?"
makuwings: ::grabes a table and throws it at her "baka!!!!!!!!!!"::
spirited gone: cheesepuff Maku, PUFF!
floogamaboo: *Looks around.*
spirited gone: :: 'hurrgle!' gets hit with table::
makuwings: (lol)
spirited gone: (I dont know....)
spirited gone: ::*munch...cruuuunch.....gulp*
floogamaboo: (*Points at Mimic.* Your fault.)
makuwings: (lol)
spirited gone: ::"whaff??" ::
floogamaboo: "Huh?"
spirited gone: :: "wooo?" has cheesepuffs in mouth::
floogamaboo: *Cartoonish question marks appear here and there.* "When?"
spirited gone: ::"why?"::
makuwings: ::falls over::
floogamaboo: "You're the one who did it," points at Mimic.
spirited gone: ::looks at Maku "where?"::
floogamaboo: Destroys question marks.
spirited gone: ::anime exclamation mark at back of head::
makuwings: ::twitches::
floogamaboo: Squirms.
spirited gone: ::excutes stealth mode and starts walking away::
floogamaboo: Puts Maku on his shoulders, "Anyways..."
makuwings: ::blushes::
spirited gone: ::*.....ruffle ruffle* throws empty cheesepuff bag away::
floogamaboo: "Where are you going?"
spirited gone: ::looks at Evan *BUUUUURRRP*
floogamaboo: < My cheeseouffs! Nooooooo! >
floogamaboo: puffs*
floogamaboo: *Sweat drop.*
spirited gone: ::....takes fist and taps on her chest *....buuuurp*::
makuwings: ::sweatdrop::
floogamaboo: *Another sweat drop, but larger.*
spirited gone: ::sweatdrop forms at back of her head and she falls from its weight::
floogamaboo: (Heh.)
spirited gone: mwah ha
makuwings: (lol)
spirited gone: I am SO funny...HAHAHA...pickles
floogamaboo: *Looks around,* Huh?
spirited gone: ...
spirited gone: HA HA HA....cheesepuffs
spirited gone: PuffyAmiYami
floogamaboo: ....
makuwings: ::still on his shoulder....."................................"::
spirited gone: ..thats a funny name
spirited gone: PuffyAmiYami
floogamaboo: Maybe that should be your name.
makuwings: ::giggles::
floogamaboo: =^.^=
spirited gone: lol, I was thinking that!
floogamaboo: *Runs in circles for no immediate reason.*
spirited gone: O.O
spirited gone: hey thats what I do
makuwings: ::jumps off...onto mimic "hi!!"::
spirited gone: *HUUURG!*
floogamaboo: =@.@= *Gets dizzy.*
floogamaboo: *Fallz over.*
floogamaboo: s*
floogamaboo: (*Shakes fist at "z")
spirited gone: *circles spin in eyes*
spirited gone: (dont you mean Zhakez!? Mwah ha ha!)
floogamaboo: (...)
spirited gone: ha ha ha!
floogamaboo: *Twitches.*
makuwings: ::jumps off mimic making sure i jumped on her again before getting up::
spirited gone: kee hee hee...hoo hoo hoo
makuwings: lol
spirited gone: HURG!
makuwings: lol
floogamaboo: *Twitches on the ground, once more.*
spirited gone: :::looks at Evan "Whats wrong with him??"::
floogamaboo: =@.@=
makuwings: ::gasps...runs over to him "evan?? you ok???"::
floogamaboo: "Eh heh..." =@.@=
makuwings: ::moves hand over his face "you dont look so good"::
floogamaboo: "...dizzy..."
spirited gone: ::points at him "ha ha"::
makuwings: ::throws shoe at her face::
spirited gone: eek!
makuwings: ::kisses his cheek "are u ok?"::
floogamaboo: *Wobles up a little.* "Yeah..."
floogamaboo: Wobbles*
spirited gone: ::"clorebag!"::
floogamaboo: =o.0=
spirited gone: ...
floogamaboo: ..?
makuwings: ::"need help"::
spirited gone: ...
floogamaboo: "A little," he laughed.
makuwings: ::puts your arm around my shoulder....helps u up..."better?"::
floogamaboo: "Thank you," he kisses Maku's forehead.
spirited gone: ::watches the PDoA *barf*::
makuwings: ::blushes "your welcome"::
makuwings: ::looks at mimic "suck it up!!"::
spirited gone: ::looks at Maku, then at barf "You want me to suck it up...?"::
makuwings: ::"nooooooo"::
floogamaboo: =^.^=
makuwings: ::shakes head in disgust "thats sooo sick!!!"::
spirited gone: :: looks at Maku "I agree!"::
makuwings: are we going to start roleplaying??
makuwings: lol
spirited gone: O.O
spirited gone: roleplay?!
makuwings: yea............................................
spirited gone: oh well count me out, I cannot roleplay with out my dear, dear cousin
makuwings: ............................
floogamaboo: Damn.
makuwings: ok then keep this i guess
makuwings: lol
spirited gone: lol, well you guys can roleplay..Im sure youll have more fun ^_^
makuwings: ::blushes::
floogamaboo: *Looks around.*
spirited gone: besides, Im gonna make some more icons for myself..peace out
makuwings: ok
floogamaboo: ..Bye and stuff.
spirited gone: bwye!
makuwings: bye!!
floogamaboo: STUFF!
BlackClown935: about time
spirited gone: please i got on before you
BlackClown935: Bull shit
BlackClown935: lol
spirited gone: lol
BlackClown935: Man! Who is IMing me now, I don
spirited gone: eh?
BlackClown935: *don't know this foo
spirited gone: well...thats what happens when you prostitute online
BlackClown935: ..atleast it fun
spirited gone: lmao
BlackClown935: AH darn! It's that guy that wants to meet up with me
spirited gone: lmao, tell him to f off
BlackClown935: I really really should
spirited gone: cha
BlackClown935: man, u r a ..
spirited gone: ????
BlackClown935: Don't worry about it.
spirited gone: ...hoe
BlackClown935: yeah, ur that
spirited gone: no!
BlackClown935: ya
spirited gone: bitch!
BlackClown935: yes..you call?
BlackClown935: lol
spirited gone: lmao
BlackClown935: Why are you always so mean to me?
spirited gone: becuz I hate you
BlackClown935: good!
spirited gone: duh
spirited gone: lmao
BlackClown935: I need some music..
spirited gone: ...and?
BlackClown935: And I am going to put some on!
BlackClown935: skank ass hoe
spirited gone: good fer you!
BlackClown935: mm hmm
BlackClown935: it sure is
spirited gone: ::yawn::
BlackClown935: Oh, I think a fly went in your hot smelly cave...that you call a mouth
spirited gone: ...I think a fly went up your smelly cave...that you call your asshole
BlackClown935: skank
spirited gone: no
spirited gone: you
BlackClown935: Well mine is better then yours
spirited gone: no
BlackClown935: ya
spirited gone: no
BlackClown935: lol w/e
Oni: lol
spirited gone: lol
Oni: *steals ur glasses and runs around in glasses*
spirited gone: lmao, Im blind!
spirited gone: runs into wall
Oni: oops...
spirited gone: lol
Oni: *casually puts them back on you*
spirited gone: glares...
Oni: *glares back*
Oni: you can tell from that pic i have a death glare
spirited gone: yeah fer real
spirited gone: kinda scary O.o;
Oni: im not even lookin at the camera
Oni: muahahaha my eyes look more evil up close cuz u can see the color
spirited gone: lmao
Oni: the evil redish
spirited gone: my eyes always turn out red