(no subject)

Sep 09, 2003 07:21

ok where do i start??
i got my nails did. HOT PINK!!!!
this morning i was having weird dreams... all crazieness
i kill some chick, i see my dad, i see my nana, ummm... i'm in trouble for killing the chick that was my "best friend" and my defence is... "it was in the book wrotten long time ago"... does that make since?? then tony, kaz, and kaz's girlfriend come over to my house... and my mom kicks kaz's gf out, and she drives up to the beach.....

ok, i'm gonna delet a few people off my friends list that i can trust... so if it's u, dont take it to the head... it just means either u have a big mouth, yer a backstabber, or i simply can trust yer ass.
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