Jul 11, 2008 21:15
sadly the trip is coming to end. an expensive trip it was too.
I am now in Echternach Luxembourg.. finally learned how to pronounce it.. eshternakh.
in brussels, i got really lost.. got to the worst part of town..and it was off the map haha.. but i got to see the murals the brussels is known for. afterwards i went back to the hostel and hung out at the bar downstairs with a kiwi, aussie, dutch, and estonian. what a diverse group. aftwards i went to pack as i was planning on getting to the train station for the 550 train to luxembourg. however, i didnät wake up until 6 am. so i made the 650 am train and got in at 1045.
luxembourg city iS A gorgeous city. mountains, valleys, rivers, castles, bridges.. looks like it fell out of a fairytale book. needless to say i got lost there too.. and ended up going back to the train station at 4pm since it was close to where i was than heading back to city center. i made a huge up the mountain and down the vally circle. before i got lost, i went to this cool under ground art gallery that was currently featuring sports photography.. passed by some foreign embassies, went to the bank museum (was actually pretty good), and then it started pouring..so i decided to take a tour in a toy train up and down the mountain and valley area where i eventually got lost later when i decided to explore the area on my own.
after luxembourg city i took an hour long bus ride the the small city of echternach - population 5100. this is where my hostel is.. its actually about 2 miles from city center (where i walked to and am there now) the hostel is surrounded by open land and some houses. rivers and bike paths are near by aas well as hiking trails... i hope to do some biking and or hiking tomorrow if it doesnt rain.. or atleast if it doesnt rain heavely. there are some sheep by the hostel whom baahed at me as i got close, but i got pictures of them anyways - and then i ran away.
i should get off soon so i can finish my soup and beer and take the two mile walk back to the hostel before it gets dark.