Aug 06, 2005 09:33
okay, the story. the other night me and randy and a few other people were at vince's house getting drunk and me and Samel decided to go get timmy. we were both drunk and stumbled in the door. we walk into tim's room to tell him to come party with us and hes packing all his stuff. i asked him what was going on and he said his mom was there to get him and making him move back in with her. me and samel get all sad cause timmy's the shit and i started crying cause i was all drunk. so i went into my room for a minute then went back into timmy's room and that is when i supposedly smuggled a blunt to him. right before he left he found a blunt he forgot he had and he got caught smoking it later at his house and his mom thinks i gave it to him. so his crazy mom goes up to randy's dad's work the next day and tells him this and that he should "keep an eye on nichole cause she's trouble". randy's mom calls us in the morning and tells us we can't go anywhere til his dad gets home.long story short, we got a 4 hour lecture about pot and a bunch of stupid shit. he kept pointing at me and saying he knows me and randy smoke in our room and stuff. and when he first got home him and jean were yelling and i could hear him saying he didn't like me cause im an "outsider" and im not blood and shit. i really thought i was getting kicked out that day, he says if i step right and im supposed to step left im out and if he catches us smoking in the house again he will throw us both out the window. now tha whole family is talking about me and they all hate me. even the grandparents are talking shit. fuck all of them man. they can suck a cock.