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Mar 29, 2017 08:23

Wanting to be gone again. Forward lurches Brexit, and forward too, lurches the disintegration of the Union. I would not be at all surprised if Scotland goes for it this time. I keep hoping that May has a cunning plan, but I don't believe it.

My only cunning plan would be to get the hell out of Dodge, because for once I agree with Richard Dawkins(this itself being proof that the apocalypse is on its way) regarding the 'Nasty Little Backwater' England is becoming. Like many I am being dragged on this 'momentous journey,' but let none be humoured into thinking I support it. I was promised Shangri-La by the Leave campaign and by the clowns May has chosen to be our representatives,so clearly she validates their claims. Let's see them deliver it, and maybe then my humour will change.

Oh, who am I kidding? I just want out of here.
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