Feb 23, 2006 19:57
platelets clot broken skin
epidermis, dermis, subcutaneous
plasma, dead, matrix flowing
past a Meisner's Corpusle
a muscle twitches
action potential, sodium flooding
a semi-permeable membrane
neurotransmitters leap
neuro=muscular junctions
myosin heads bind
to actin sites and tug
power stroke
again, a million times over,
tiny movement, all at once
cerbrospinal fluid dances
along ependymal cells and
gray matter smashes
against an occipital bone
dizzying the bony labyrinth
dynamic equilibrium shatters
as a pupil dilates
and maxilla bones disintegrate
obicularis occuli snap
photo lens of a blurred retina
Can you guess which class I wrote it in?