Apr 25, 2006 14:02
So...I am trying to decide if I should feel really good about the following things, okay about them, upset, or nothing.
>17 student days left (20 teacher...minus May 3rd (I'm taking off), minus May 5 (spirit day), minus finals (3 days) so down to 15 teacher days, 13 student days
>I tithed (or half a tithe, I am working out the kinks...)
>I tithed to MS
>this is seventh period and there is only 12 minutes left
>I am finishing moving sometime today
>Tomorrow is a half day
>I have worked enough extracuricular activities to make 430 before taxes for May
>I think I got my job back
I feel funny about the job: I haven't officially heard, but just this morning I emailed La Veta about wanting thier job. I'll go ahead and send him (the dude) the whole application - then if nothing else they have it on file, then maybe I get the job here and I tell them that...what do I tell them? That I want the security of this job right now, but next year I want to be there?! That I prefer small towns but need the experience just in case? *sighs*, I don't know what to tell them, its an IF for cryin' out loud, how do I figure out IF's. I don't know much do I?
>only 4 minutes left in class now...
2: damn kids...