Jan 10, 2006 19:51
So for the past month i've heard nothing at work except how well I do and how hard I work and everyone telling me how I should be getting a raise soon. Well god damn I finally got it! And I gained some trust too. Got tested, dropped off at a house with the task of tearing up 3 floor layers, tear off the counter tops cutting and laying hardee boards on both and laying ceramic. Came out fucking beautiful. Passed my fuckin' little test and got my cash niggas! But I also did so bad ass that i've got off work early the past 2 days so I lost hours. So the raise wont be felt so much yet :[ My sister closes on her house like friday which is great for her. I'm nothing but happy to see someone in my family actually do well for themselves. Classes start back tomorrow and you wont see me attending any which sucks but it will be better for me in the long run. Way things are looking I may be back for fall though :]
P.S DESI GET SOME FUCKING CREDIT AND A BETTER CELL PLAN YOU PIECE OF SHIT! And get a haircut and a job. I love you. Oh yeah brandon too.