tired as hell

Oct 02, 2002 15:33

Well i haven't typed in here sense Sunday, i told you that i would forget too lol but heres what happened in the past three days

Monday - Was pretty gay, Jake came over before school and me him and my bro "ate tomatoes." School was boring i have homework, again, but i saw Natalie oh yeah shes the best i love her, and then after school i came home and "just chilled" until Tim called me up and i went down to his house for a while, his little brother Frankie was missing for an hour and the whole neighborhood was looking for him, we ended up finding him in some guys backyard down the street picking flowers lol. After i left Tim's i went back down to my spot and did homework and talked to my love, she seriously is the fucking best! Then i went to bed.

Tuesday - School was alrite i laughed at Greg in first hour because he was stoned again trying to play baseball it's too funnie. It was too fuckin hott to i roasted in my last hour, it sucked so bad. After school i went home with Natalie and ate taco bell, it was good, then we talked to the sexiest person alive online, Samnatha Byrum why can't we just fuck one time please lol. Then we watched some t.v. and counted how may black people we saw, a total of 15 i'm sure there would have been more but we didn't wait for a black person to come on every channel not that i'm racist or anything but we were bored i guess. Natalie had cheerleading practice at six so her mom took me home after she dropped Natalie off, i had a good time with her. When i got home Tim called me and i went down to his house and "ate tomatoes" Jake was there and so was Meagen, i stayed down there for a while and them came home to do fuckin gay ass homework, and then sleep.

Today ( Wednesday ) It was very hott in school, it sucked balls i had fuckin swamp ass all day lol. Well i have homework in math and geography, i think i have homework everyday? Fifth hour was fun i had fun with Samantha i was pissin her off and it was too funnie, and she fuckin smacked me, what a hoe. sixth hour was great we went to the library it was nice and cool in there, a lot of people were in there too i just hung out with Jeff, Rich, Tim, Sarah, Lyn, Mel, Katie, Karen, and Kisha. I said goodbye to Natalie damn, she is just the best i love her so damn much!

well kids thats about it and now i have to take a shit so peace y'all

Natalie <3
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