cool beans

Apr 20, 2009 05:53

found a website. thank you stumble. cliche search engine, plus a generator to randomly select ten of them at a time. here you have it. happy four twenty! 420!!<3

it's time to fold
get a hold of yourself
have a chip on the shoulder
stewed to the gills
my father didn't raise any idiots
far from the madding crowd
in at the death
he'd give you the shirt off his back
where there's smoke there's fire Measure twice. Cut once.
worm your way in
What is sauce for the goose, is sauce for the gander.
kicked the bucket
his roar is bigger than his bite
money talks
Hotter than a nun's bug.
an accident waiting to happen
to get a red ass over someting
Hit the road
tit for tat
the night of all nights look both ways turn a deaf ear Easy as shooting fish in a barrel we're not playing for sheep clutch shot to win the game smells to heaven how's your dog nuts necessity is the mother of invention fine as frog hair

to coin a phrase
she would make a bull dog chew his chain
left to his own devices
there is a light at the end of the tunnel
be your own boss
let the cat out of the bag
different sores for different whores shot his bolt that's the story of my life eager beaver
the tales will be long and many
punch the clock
demon rum
wheels within wheels
Sharp as a wet corn flake.
get over the hump
an apple a day keeps the doctor away
four corners of the earth
hanging fire being nibbled to death by ducks
can't hold a candle to him
may the wind be at your back
Do you have potatoes growing in your ears?
there's no business like show business
I'll show her how the cow eats corn.
the check is in the mail
crunch his hand into a fist
winning isn't the only thing, it's everything
until hell freezes over
 Raise hell and put a chunk under it
he's an animal, throw him some raw meat
quicker than a new york minute
to be at sixes and sevens
pile it on
shutting up shop
lion's share
rest in peace
she's no chicken
on the horns of a dilemma

I wouldn't touch it with a ten-foot pole
water over the dam
keep going in the same circle
being a grandfather doesn't bother me, but sleeping with a grandma certainly does
tighter than the skin on a weiner
slicker than greased owl shit
smooth moves, Exlax
from the word go
take a powder stay in your own circle wikity whack don't smoke crack the clikety clack of the railroad track
love is like a rose
aching void
be that as it may
tough it out
he's a quick study
find the golden fleece
greased lightning lay down with dogs you get up with fleas
holy cow
send shivers down one's spine
money talks an bullshit walks
sell like hotcakes
up to my neck in alligators
grin like a possum
sink a hook in the fish's mouth
I'd rather be dead than red. pull a fast one

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