Jun 25, 2014 08:42
Hi, I'm smokeybirdie. I created this LJ account specifically to post on the community pkmncollectors, as I am an avid fan of playing the games and collecting Pokemon merchandise, mainly plush. I don't have a particular Pokemon that I collect like many of the members do, I just like to have my favorites to look at and cuddle with. I guess if there were a ton of merch of, say, Nidorino or Murkrow, I would have a bunch of stuff of them, but the only official plush I have of those two are a Jakks Pacific Murkrow and the Pokemon Fit Nidorino, both of whom I adore.
I'm pretty sure I started playing Pokemon when I was maybe around 5 years old, and from then on it has become a lifelong favorite franchise of mine.
Besides Pokemon, I am a huge fan of Yokai Watch and have way too many USApyons. Seriously, they are taking over my area. I love that little otter with all of my heart to the point of unhealthy obsession. He is my real collection, I think. Too bad the series isn't well recieved outside of Japan aside from people like myself. They gave up on it here too soon, in my opinion. I was even worried that Yokai Watch 4 would not get localized in the US, but miraculously they announced they were going to do it a few weeks after the game released in Japan. Whoops, there goes 60 bucks I spent to import the game. Oh well. I like hearing the original Japanese voice acting. I can only hope that they include an option to change the language of the voices like you can with Level-5's other popular game, Ni No Kuni.
Besides video games, I am a huge animal lover and enjoy working with dogs. I plan to go to school to become a groomer so I can continue that dream, and hopefully not go crazy being stuck at my current job which, though involves dogs, is not ideal. Dealing with around 30 dogs all in the same room can be incredibly stressful.
That's about it for me. If you want to shoot me a PM for any reason, go ahead.