Jan 14, 2009 11:48

you know what i have decided i hate? year end best of lists, i mean what the hell is the point. i mean back when you actually had to buy cds and videos and things maybe there was a point as you had a limited amount of content you could consume, but now it seems really ridiculous. like why is this farce kept up of trying to pretend thigns actually have some relevance to ayear. like maybe if all the critics and whoeve r comiled lists of things they ahd listened to over the year, maybe how a certain artist was discovered and the effect that had on their life that might actually be interesting to read. but this whole irrelevant redundent band you have never heard of made the ebst album, this bad popular movie was better than that bad less popular movie who cares. that is not to say there is no point in reading reviews, i mean i still find them useful, even if the majority of peopel doing it have absolutely no concept of music art etc... like they are so busty trying to appear i nthe know they forget to actually thinka abvout what they are saying... like the whole band x is the most awesome important band to come out this year and you listyen to it and it sounds like badly rehashed white stripes or soemthing... i mean stop and think about it, this inane quest for ultimate cool is boring... and is what i think year end lists are all about. it's a list of how cool the lsit maker is rather than the quality of the albums. how many times have ai actually tried to listen to bands off these lsits and found the majority of it to be shit? i dont even know, but one thing they always are is mildly obscure, like not totally people ahve tio have heard of the name, because anyones year end list that doesnt include certain accepted "good" albums of the year is obvioulsy a tool, right? i mean what would peopel think if you didnt include some derivaive garbage that kids all decided was cool, wheter it was any good or not. so yeeah piss of with these lists... oh by the way did anyone see the pile of junk of pitchforks top 500 songs between to randomly decided dates, and the thoughtless garbage that was in it... dont get me wrong there was some great songs, but it just seemed that they had put no thought into wjhatsoever and just listed popularly accepted crap... so i'm going to start the new "cool" of 2009, that is not making pointless lists, if you have a useful list fine, a helpful list, a good or interesting list fine, a fun list fine, but a list that you think makes you better than everyone else .. shiove it up your ass and whistle dixie instead, please...
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