If you wanna be a good person, have a voice in the government, want to help me or my brother out, think your the "nice guy" in that rant thats spreading around and started in ticer's lj about nice guys finishin last then you'll do the following.
The following letters have been written to stop Jennifer Granholm from cutting funding to Wing Lake Developmental Center, which is where my brother attends school. By sending out the following you agree that it is unfair to cut funding to one of the most needed schools in the state.
1. Go to
http://www.michigan.gov/gov/0,1607,7-168-21995-65331--,00.htmlIn the subject box put "School Funding"
In the comment box copy the following, change the date accordingly, and add your name to the end.
September 3, 2004
The purpose of this letter is to voice my strong opposition to your attempt to balance the state budget by cutting 20J funding from school districts, including Bloomfield Hills Schools, whose per-pupil foundation grant is $9,000 or more. You have heard consistently from school officials that any reduction in school funding should be applied equally across the board. This position is supported by all of the major education groups in the state. Instead, we recommend that you implement a more equitable solution and reduce all school districts by a mere $3.50 per student, an amount that most districts could absorb even now that budgets have been adopted and school is well underway. Redistributing funds from higher spending districts is far from an equitable solution.
It is time to review Proposal A in its entirety rather than punishing the students and parents of one district in order to benefit others. Our taxpayers send $110 million to Lansing and receive $35 million in return. This latest round of cuts to 20J funding is excessive and unfair. Your budget deal is bad public policy, violates the spirit of Proposal A and is a betrayal of the good faith taxpayers have placed in our legislators to properly and fully fund all Michigan school districts.
The school districts in Oakland County, indeed throughout the state, have spoken with one voice in this matter. I strongly encourage you to eliminate this proposal and consider other alternatives for balancing the state budget
2. Go into your email and create a letter to mshulman@house.mi.gov
and paste the following into the email and once again change the date and add your signature.
September 3, 2004
The Honorable Marc Shulman
PO Box 30014
Lansing, MI 48909-7514
Dear Representative Shulman:
The purpose of this letter is to voice my strong opposition to your attempt to balance the state budget by cutting 20J funding from school districts, including Bloomfield Hills Schools, whose per-pupil foundation grant is $9,000 or more. You have heard the message consistently from school officials that any reduction in school funding should be applied equally across the board, and I am appalled that after your long support of 20J you are now reversing your position. This position is supported by all of the major education groups in the state, and is one that I support as well. Instead, I recommend that you implement a more equitable solution and reduce all school districts by a mere $3.50 per student. The majority of school districts could absorb this amount even now after budgets have been adopted and school is well underway.
The proposal before you will negatively impact Bloomfield Hills Schools by $750,000 annually. I elected you to fairly represent your constituents’ views in Lansing and I encourage you to vote against cutting 20J funding. Instead I want your support of an across-the-board solution and ask that you encourage your colleagues to do the same. Redistributing funds from higher spending districts is hardly an equitable solution.
It is time to review Proposal A in its entirety rather than punishing the students and parents of one district in order to benefit others. Bloomfield Hill’s taxpayers send $110 million to Lansing and receive $35 million in return. This latest round of cuts to 20J funding is excessive and unfair. Your budget deal is bad public policy, violates the spirit of Proposal A and is a betrayal of the good faith taxpayers have placed in you to properly and fully fund all Michigan school districts.
3. Finally, go into your email again and create a message to sensjohnson@senate.michigan.gov
Paste the following into the email.
September 3, 2004
The Honorable Shirley Johnson
PO Box 30036
Lansing, MI 48909-7536
Dear Senator Johnson:
The purpose of this letter is to voice my strong opposition to your attempt to balance the state budget by cutting 20J funding from school districts, including Bloomfield Hills Schools, whose per-pupil foundation grant is $9,000 or more. You have heard the message consistently from school officials that any reduction in school funding should be applied equally across the board, and I am appalled that after your long support of 20J you are now reversing your position. This position is supported by all of the major education groups in the state, and is one that I support as well. Instead, I recommend that you implement a more equitable solution and reduce all school districts by a mere $3.50 per student. The majority of school districts could absorb this amount even now after budgets have been adopted and school is well underway.
The proposal before you will negatively impact Bloomfield Hills Schools by $750,000 annually. I elected you to fairly represent your constituents’ views in Lansing and I encourage you to vote against cutting 20J funding. Instead I want your support of an across-the-board solution and ask that you encourage your colleagues to do the same. Redistributing funds from higher spending districts is hardly an equitable solution.
It is time to review Proposal A in its entirety rather than punishing the students and parents of one district in order to benefit others. Bloomfield Hill’s taxpayers send $110 million to Lansing and receive $35 million in return. This latest round of cuts to 20J funding is excessive and unfair. Your budget deal is bad public policy, violates the spirit of Proposal A and is a betrayal of the good faith taxpayers have placed in you to properly and fully fund all Michigan school districts.
Thank you for doing this. If you actually did even just one comment so I know or if you want just IM me. If you can put this in your blog/livejournal. It wont hurt and get this thing to spread. Thanks