Jul 15, 2005 00:09
MannazJera1: youre always right
jag1686: yes, yes i am
jag1686: except for that one time with the monkey...but who knew a monkey could be alergic to bananas?
MannazJera1: well monkeys dont count
jag1686: exactly
MannazJera1: so youre always right
jag1686: except with monkeys...who dont count...so yes, yes i am
MannazJera1: well we can assume you learned your lesson with the monkeys
jag1686: surely not all monkeys can be alergic to bananas
MannazJera1: but you never know
jag1686: then i'll give them apples
MannazJera1: exactly
MannazJera1: its not like monkeys only like bananas
MannazJera1: they like miriads of delicious things
jag1686: apples it is then...with peanut butter
MannazJera1: oh yes
jag1686: salty, sweet and crunchy
MannazJera1: well
MannazJera1: some monkeys might be allergic
jag1686: NO! no monkey is alergic to peanut butter!
MannazJera1: but humans is...and monkeys are close to humans
jag1686: almost but not quite
jag1686: they developed an amunity to peanut butter in 1779
MannazJera1: yes, but a new strain of chimp developed that allowed allergies to peanuts again in 1800
jag1686: correct, however then in 1926 the "peanut" vaccine was developed by ronald mcpointy pants
MannazJera1: yes, but I killed Mr.McPointy Pants
MannazJera1: and ate his liver