Jun 29, 2009 17:06
Took a trip to the humane society today to check out the dog selection...we met Jack a year old boxer...totally awesome I wanted to take him home...we also met Bosley a 5 year old shepard mix he was real chill then he started giving kisses and I noticed his red rocket beaming...calm down boz I'm not your type...then we took Kara a pit mix for a walk...boy was she strong I would need to get my workout on before I could control a dog like that on a walk...Art did real well with her there was an instant connection...then we stopped by all about puppies to play with all the puppies...it was a great day with dogs...in about a month or two we will have everything ready to bring a new dog home.
Then we attempted to see the new Transformers but 10 min in the Imax broke and there was no going back...they gave us a refund, a free Imax pass and told us we can watch the movie in the regular theater but we just opted for the first 2 and went home...next week for sure we will see it in Imax the way Bay intended it to be seen...
All and all an okay day now its time for some wine and snuggles.