Jan 28, 2007 16:25
today i remembered i had a livejournal.
i've been stressed. the end of term was not kind to me. bastard.
i'm terribly glad that it's a new quarter and new classes. I spent the last few days of the past one in the vice principle's office discussing my attendance issues as usual, but the good news is i havent been expelled yet and I even managed to land the required-for-graduation-so-automatically-incredibly-boring-and-pointless "financial literacy" class with a few friends and a few cute boys. Me:1 The Man: 0
on a more depressing note, my driver's ed teacher (the single reason why i actually got a license-my driving was appalling) died suddenly from a heart attack in his classroom a few days ago. it was bizarre.
it's damn cold. this winter's been brutal. It's too bloody freezing to do anything outside except shiver and wish you were inside (dear al gore: could you please point some global warming this way, plzkthnx).