May 28, 2007 22:49
i finally died/cut my hair.
i chopped off all my hair, went blonde, absolutely hated it, and died my hair black. LMFAO.
I think it looks pretty good, though. Blonde, at least the golden hue i got, looked awful. i like the way the dramatic dark color frames my skin and eyes, even if i am freakishly pale. I simply do not tan. Every time i bother spending time in the sun wihtout sunscreen i get a blistering sunburn that fades into...more pale skin.
oh well. fuck you, america and your blonde, tan beauty ideals. I'll be pale with black hair if i wanna. (I'll also be sitting on my front porch drinking Green Apple Smirnoff thirty years from now while half the girls in my generation are sitting in the cancer ward with skin to rival Old Betsy.)
.I've been walking witha swerve in my step quite a lot lately. This week i've been drinking 3 times, one of them on a school night. I seem to remember sitting on a log at our favorite backwoods drinking haunt at 2 am on wednesday...
At least i've managed to refrain from jumping on another random stranger. James's new best friend (stemming, i suspect, from the fact that he is 22) has been hanging around and drinking a lot with us lately, and we were sort of set up together by default...but i refuse to so much as hold his hand. He isnt unnattractive, and even is quite funny, but one night after going to see AWE and drinking quite a lot, he got to talking and admitted to me that he and a friend had been to a strip club a few times and were planning to go again soon.
this pisses me off more than i would have expected. I know it's pretty normal behavior for a guy that age, but I'm not impressed. Not to mention the fact that beyond his sense of humor, which mostly revolves around sex and politically incorrect jokes (hah...sounds familiar, i admit), he has no personality or depth whatsoever. At least that i've seen, and i've been spending a lot of time with him, talking a lot. Yeah, Dear Stupid Boy- all that booze and food and everything else you bought me isnt going to get you anywhere. I like people with brain cells.
I have no idea why men do that. I would never spend that much on someone I just met, especially without any strong encouragement. But I'm just tired of men in general. Yesterday amber and i went downtown, because it was incredibly nice outside and we wanted to take pictures of some of the grafiti, and were honked at/followed/hit on at least four different times. This happens to everything female that moves around here, and it's fucking ridiculous. Today on the way to work a guy leaned out of his car window and raised his eyebrows at me. He was atleast thirty. i flipped him off. fucking creep.
Stealing a line from one of my all-time favorite movies, "all i ask is to be left alone." I've had enough with people. It's not a difficult concept. If i want to talk with you, i will, or at the very least, i'll smile at you. when i'm at the grocery store at 11 pm, when i'm driving in my car, or when i'm walking with a friend wearing a giant sweatshirt, i DO NOT want to be harrassed. Men seemed to be under the mistaken impression that we appreciate this kind of behavior.
and now, i think i'll go run until i cant breath, which is what i do when i'm frustrated and i dont have any alcohol.