SGA: What It Really Means (Weir/Shep/Dex,) R

Feb 03, 2008 16:31

Title: What it Really Means, or 5 times Elizabeth Didn't Kill Anyone in Atlantis
Author: technosage, originally posted December 2006.
Characters/Pairing: Weir/Shep/Dex
Rating: Hard R for brief sexual situation
Word Count: 936
Spoilers/Warnings: general series spoilers
Disclaimer: If they were mine, they'd screw as often as they snark.
Summary: The phrase "I'm going to kill them" had become a regular part of Elizabeth's mental landscape since their arrival in Atlantis. By turns, she comes to realize what it really means.
Notes: It seems I keep coming back to "my Atlantis", where everyone screws everyone else except Radek who is pining for Ford, and I'm still waiting for Katarin to tell me why. If anyone can think of a spiffy name for this loosely linked series of romps besides "sexverse", I'd be much obliged. *g* "Story" is overstating the case, but this impromptu mental-splurt is for genaschuyler from her Five Things prompt.

The phrase "I'm going to kill them" had become a regular part of Elizabeth's mental landscape since their arrival in Atlantis. Sometimes it sounded pissy in her head. Other times fondly exasperated. Occasionally raw with fury, wearly resigned, and more rarely filled with joyful laughter.

i. The First Time

The first time she could remember, Sheppard's team tumbled through the Stargate followed by a horde of Teyla's people. Jaw clenched, fists tight, she'd thought, "I'm going to kill him. I'm going to kill all of them." Visions of long interrogation sessions, dressing downs, and chastened eyes pleading for mercy she didn't show filled her head. How dare they jeopardize the mission by taking in refugees without consulting her?

But diplomats made peace, even when gruesome torture seemed more appropriate. So, she smiled and bid the Athosians welcome instead.

ii. Hot Zone

Watching Sheppard and Teyla disobey her direct orders, it occurred to Elizabeth that things would've been much simpler if she'd sent the Athosians away. Then she'd only have one of them to deal with. As it was, now she'd have to kill them both.

"What's that, Dr. Weir?" Peter asked, gaze never leaving the screen that showed Sheppard and Teyla moving through the halls toward the hot zone for the nanite virus.

"I'm going to kill them." Red rising behind her eyes, she slammed her hand into the console. "If they or any of us survive this nightmare, I. am going. To kill them."

Peter looked up, flinched at her expression, and went back to his duties. "You could have him court-martialled," he offered quietly.

She honestly considered it for about five minutes before deciding she'd rather grind them, especially him, under her heel than have him stripped of rank. By the time she finished dressing him down, he might've preferred a firing squad.

iii. Colonel Sheppard

"If he says it again, I'm going to kill him," Elizabeth whispered to Rodney out of the side of her mouth, after approximately the twenty-third time John found an excuse to call himself "Colonel Sheppard."

"Oh, please. Let me. He said it eighteen times on the 'Jumper flight over the mainland alone." Rodney's martyr face made her laugh. "No, really. I counted-oh, god, here he comes."

"Rodney, Elizabeth." Grinning, John greeted them with bouncy, almost boyish glee.

"John," Elizabeth said, at the same time Rodey said, "Sheppard," and she groaned mentally, knowing what was coming.
Arched eyebrow, cocked hip-exactly as she'd imagined it, John replied, "That's Colonel Sheppard to you, Dr. McKay."

I'm going to murder him. But she poured three glasses of champagne instead. "Congratulations, Colonel Sheppard. It's a well-deserved promotion."

iv. Power Bars

'He did what?" Elizabeth rubbed her hand over her eyes.

"Colonel Sheppard made a sculpture of a 'Jumper out of power bars." The faintest hint of laughter lurked in Teyla's voice.

"Are they still wrapped?" She didn't know whether to be horrified or rush to the mess hall to gawk with everyone else.

Metallicized plastic crinkled; presumably Teyla sifting piles of wrappers.

"I take it that's a no?"

"It appears that all but the joining pieces are still wrapped." A short, pensive pause, and then, "There would seem to be a large number of joints."

Elizabeth inhaled and held her breath for a count of ten, then exhaled through her teeth. Sheppard's prank war with McKay was getting out of hand.

"I'm going to kill the two of them," she said with a tired sigh, but she made them eat the ruined power bars - nothing else for meals until they were gone - instead.

v. Bondage

Elizabeth woke to teasing bites along her shoulder. "John," she murmurred, pressing her face into the warmth and musk of Ronon's shoulder. "Sex later, still sleeping."

"S'okay, you can sleep, Lizzie. Just going to-"

At the hated nickname, she sat bolt upright.

Or rather she tried, but something jerked her back. "What the-"

Ronon's teeth flashed in a self-satisfied grin. She pulled against the cuffs on her wrists and ankles. To no avail, but much to the amusement of John who arched that goddamned eyebrow and leered openly.

The more she struggled, the tighter the bonds pulled. Exposed, spread wide, and ridiculously aroused, Elizabeh growled and it trailed off into a soft moan. Her nipples tightened; her face flamed. And she couldn't even hide it with her arm.

Ronon shot John an unreadable look, and for a second she thought maybe he would untie her. "Ronon," she began, trying for the tone of calm command that usually drove him to his knees.

But he rested a hand on her bare stomach, stroked it reverently - like a man whose wife was pregnant, and she shivered with pleasure in spite of herself. "I'm sorry, Elizabeth." He sounded contrite, and well he should be; he belonged in these restraints, not she.

"C'mon, Liz, we're not going to hurt you. Much." John winked, grinning like a demented twelve year-old, then straddled her chest.

His blood-hardened cock flirted toward her mouth, bumping against her chin playfully. Long fingers swiped over the silky wetness that her struggle had provoked, then Ronon pressed full, soft lips to the inside of her hipbone.

"You know I'm going to kill you, right?" she said around a whimper, but flicked her tongue over the crown of John's cock and arched for Ronon's fingers instead.

"I'm going to kill them" had become a regular part of her mental landscape over the past two years; but as she dissolved into pleading moans and mewing gasps, Elizabeth realized that what it really meant, was that she cared.

ronon dex, john sheppard, rodney mckay, elizabeth weir, teyla emmagan, sga

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