
Sep 22, 2004 12:06

This week has been going really well. The wheather is great, my classes are nonstressful ( Read more... )

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Frybread or tasteless donuts? othell September 22 2004, 13:47:08 UTC
Mmm... frybread. What kind of frybread though? The small frybread with holes (made in every other nation but the Navajo's) or the large ass, divinely-scented, grease-splattering sweet ambrosia made by my people? Mmm, now the latter is whatcha call some good frybread.


Re: Frybread or tasteless donuts? krayzee143 September 23 2004, 08:41:01 UTC
Hahahaha, that's what I'M talking about! Dine' makes them the right way! :D


Re: Frybread or tasteless donuts? othell September 23 2004, 17:08:11 UTC
Are you Diné? I'm gonna add you to my friends list because you look hot.


Re: Frybread or tasteless donuts? krayzee143 September 24 2004, 08:42:58 UTC
*blushes* Awww how sweet :D
Thank you for the nice compliment! Yes, I'm half Navajo and half Acoma Pueblo. I added ya back as well!


Re: Frybread or tasteless donuts? othell September 24 2004, 10:39:18 UTC
We should chat sometime, sweety, and discuss our gay lives and loathing for men (it comes and goes for me).

What are your clans, by the way?


Re: Frybread or tasteless donuts? krayzee143 September 24 2004, 12:36:11 UTC
Hahaha, nice skull cap! I need one that says, "girls" tho! Heehee. Actually, I don't loathe men... in fact, I have a lot of male friends. My mom is Tabaahi and my dad's side is Bear clan. You?


Re: Frybread or tasteless donuts? smokeitup September 24 2004, 12:42:23 UTC
*pouts* all this convo through my post it keeps coming to my e-mail and I feel so left out lmao


Re: Frybread or tasteless donuts? krayzee143 September 24 2004, 12:56:35 UTC
Awwww sweetie, I'm sorry! LOL, I forgot LJ does that shit. My bad. *kisses*


Re: Frybread or tasteless donuts? smokeitup September 24 2004, 13:00:42 UTC
lol..I know hehe I hate it but its all good gald I could bring to gay navajo's togeather


Re: Frybread or tasteless donuts? othell September 24 2004, 22:41:52 UTC
And for that, we owe you our eternal gratitude. *bows*


Re: Frybread or tasteless donuts? smokeitup September 25 2004, 08:58:29 UTC


Re: Frybread or tasteless donuts? krayzee143 September 26 2004, 15:38:33 UTC
Most definitely! *does a curtsy*

Hahahaha! Lana rocks. :D


Re: Frybread or tasteless donuts? smokeitup September 26 2004, 22:36:42 UTC
don't tell me make me think you want me..gonna get my hopes up


Re: Frybread or tasteless donuts? krayzee143 September 27 2004, 13:26:01 UTC
Heeheee! Well you ARE a cool chick so that's why I say, "Lana rocks!!" :D

I thought quotes from Friday turned you on!??! Haha!


Re: Frybread or tasteless donuts? smokeitup September 27 2004, 13:37:43 UTC
lol they do hehe..and yes I am fucking cool huh


Re: Frybread or tasteless donuts? krayzee143 September 27 2004, 13:51:01 UTC
But of course!


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