Apr 16, 2009 01:03
I was up last night till 5am
playing games on my mobile.
It's all her fault,
She started it.
Now we meet up to lie next to each other,
skin to skin
with our eyes........
glued to the screen of our handphones.
we only start interacting when
one of our phones die
(mine most of the time)
or when someone has finished all the levels
(her, most of the time).
this love will tear us apart.
i'm not talking about the one i have for you.
le sigh.
did i mention that i'm inlove with a thirty-one year old raven haired japanese german italian american angel?
if i havent, then you'll see me broadcast that to facebook,
which is the other drug that will tear us apart.
you see the devil is not made of lava and evil.
he is technology manifested into molten flesh and wires.
can you imagine if we had our third eye?
everytime we logged on the internet,
little demons fuck with our brains.
heh. funny.
anyway, back to my new infatuation.
she made love to me in view of hundreds of others.
her lips are twin rubies of passion,
her hair is dark entrails of lust.
she sent spasms around my thighs,
throughout the two hours.
i'm not sure why my thighs, and not my arms.
i climaxed several times over when her voice broke.
her grieve is my pleasure.
I'm sorry Miss Yamagata,
I would have ran to the stage with hands filled with lozenges if i could.
but your voice was immensely sexy, having been ravaged by that cold.
i went alone by the way. green dress and brown stockings.
she was in a green dress and grey stockings.
ah we are indeed meant to be.
our size is nearly the same as well.
which surprised me by the way.
but don't worry, i promise you,
your gorgeous face surpasses your thick ankles
a million times over.
yes it's getting out of hand.
but she is such a funny lass with her stories and jokes.
she's the kind of girl, you know you'll have a good time,
if you get to hang out with her.
Sunday Afternoon was breathtaking. The guitar riffs and distortions were astounding. It really blew me away. I'm so used to the the acoustic version that, hearing this absolutely favourite song of mine played in this way, threw me into this tangent between awe and orgasms.
It was $121 well spent. There are no regrets in going alone, although i do wish you were there Munah, my Incubus friend.