Jun 29, 2003 22:48
Hanging out with my bro and his gangsta friends has been fun.
They are cool ass people.
So are my friends.
I love them all.
Gangstas, punks, emos, drunks, potheads, cokeheads...
All of them.
Wednesday I didn't do much.
Just chillaxed the night away.
On Thursday some people came over and we drank.
I just realized Braden wore a Thursday shirt.
Joshua got a taste of my world for a few hours.
So did my brother.
We made them listen to KTM and Coheed.
They actually liked it.
Chris wants to go to a KTM show even.
Josh and I bonded by watching porn until the early hours while Nin "Slept"
I knew what she was doing though...
Christopher got mother fucking antiqued for falling asleep first.
Found out that Josh has no shame and will pee with the door open.
Woke up at like 4:30 the next day.
Cleaned the house up and got ready for the night.
Friends got jacked by dealers and I did coke that was brought over in a gas tank.
I hated two good friends for the night for drinking all the vodka.
I'm over it.
Saw Kevin effin Hartley.
I haven't seen him in daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayz.
Watched my house turn into a big cloud of smoke.
Damn potheads.
Had a short convo with Jimmmmmmy.
He's fucking cool.
Pretty hott too.
He's married though.
Watched Damien about shit himself when Jimmy walked by him with a fat sack.
Ate breakfast with Nin and Salina at like 3 in the a.m.
We made a chart of who has kissed who in our group and linked each other with other people.
Such as...
Kai kissed Nin because Kai has kissed Maddy and she kissed Jayson and Jayson kissed Liz J. and Liz J. kissed Chris Johns and Chris kissed Nin.
It was hecka fun.
Finally went to bed hecka days later.
Woke up before noon and cleaned the house while Salina and Damien slept.
Got ready and went to Nin's grad party.
Had fun over there.
Funny people and great food=yum.
Saw Nick effin Croweeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
I haven't seen that kid in DAYS.
He almost burnt his kithen down.
Got to ride with Ash-Chew the crazy driver.
Got back to Nin's and saw the saddest thing.
Her neighbor had a heart attack.
He died on the way to the hospital.
I guess Drew had a minor one that day too.
I'm glad to hear you're ok Drew-Face!
Ended up at Dennis' house for a bit but nothing was going on there so I walked to Nin's.
Salina walked me halfway and we had a talk for a bit before we went our seperate ways.
I hella almost put HIGHway.
I wonder what I'm thinking..
Talked it up with Nin, Lexie, and Chris until my mom and uncle picked me up at 1:30.
Went to bed at like 2:00.
I seriously felt like I was going to die.
I was so hot and shit.
I never felt like that before.
It was horrible.
I slept until 7:00 tonight.
Felt good.
I think I just needed a really good night's sleep or something.
I feel better now.
I have no fever and I'm not sore.
I'm just a little tired.
Tired, but awake.
then salina said: im a whack job if ive ever seen one
I agree with ya Salina..
Ok, I'm going to go watch tv or something.
AND check and see if Damien updated..
*kissy face*