Jun 25, 2003 12:02
And then its back to bed I go.
I'm getting fucking sick.
I get to house to myself until early Sunday morning and I get sick.
Perfect timing asshole.
It feels like I'm getting the flu.
I'm taking medicine like it ain't no thing and my mom is bringing home 7-Up so hopefully I'll feel better.
I feel like throwing up though which isn't a positive sign.
But I'll still have the parties yo!
I'm going to be a soldier and let you kids come over and get your party on...
I don't care if I have to be in bed the whole time, I can't be a pussy and cancel on my homiez last minute.
I'm hoping its just the 24 hour bug or something.
On the plus side,
My uncler bought me The Sims Deluxe Edition and The Sims Superstar.
I'm obsessed already.
They are so awesome.
My family's last name is Adrift.
I'm a tard.
Ok, enough.
I'm out.
*kissy face*