(no subject)

Jul 27, 2003 04:57

another day.

will do more fish stuff tomorrow.

out today, hanging out with Bill for a while, talking about this and that, and playing a bit of Badge of Honour (something like that - some WW2 PS2 game).

Saw the second half of the Kiwis walloping the Wallabies.

dinner, drinks, bullshit, the usual.

Highlights, Penny continuing playing with WIll and Dave which started in Newcastle. Kiska going spastic again, this time about messages Dave was sending from Penny's phone. Apparently, they are my fault. go figure. Penny decides to take a rest from the boys by sitting on my lap. Little does she know that hardly makes her safe from my friends...

Ross brings a friend out, ignores her for the night talking to Cam, until Cam starts to talk to her, and he's there like a bad smell again. Might have to kill those two, they are getting worse, with no sign of any sanity coming from the situation.

He spills (maybe deliberately, but with his usual stupid callouness) Red wine all over Trent. Who loses it a bit and throws a glass of it over Ross, which was dead funny. Got Tess and her new Italian jacket a bit as well. Which at least got Ross off her.

i am treated to an expression of respect and gratitude for the work and the leadership of the cricket club, from both Gav & iMac, and both promise their continued support. I guess that's what it's all been for in a way, and the admission of this, makes all the grief and bullshit worthwhile. Do good, it is more proactive than "do no harm".

Went to shoot things in the arcades for a bit which i haven't done for ages...

More drinking, after the others lost Cam & Ross. Helen (Ross's friend) ended up with iMac and myself, once the others had slowly drifted away. Helen likes both of us. Cam warned us she was a psycho earlier in the evening, thus i am more hesitant than usual at getting involved in any situation.

I continue to observe as i have done all night, but when it's down to five of us, i have little choice to quietly observe, and with three it's damn near impossible...

iMac is his usual pissed chatty self, and we three work well for a while. She keeps looking at me and saying nice things, which is off-putting, because i'm me, and a well documented idiot.

It's is time to go (as you can see by the timing on this entry) and she kindly offers to drive us both home. Two short trips and i walk into my house.

Getting involved with her crosses my mind, and i'm weighing the pros and cons as usual. I know it would drive Ross up the wall, which is hardly a good reason. Cam warned me she was a lunatic as well, i don't think i need more. She seems ok, no outward signs of psychosis. I guess the only reason why the thought crossed my mind at all, is because she seemed to like me, and there's nothing quite so attractive as someone who likes you, but that is never enough of a reason. is it?

drinkies, good times, friends, girls

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