This old dog don't need new tricks.

Apr 12, 2018 02:12

Trip to bottle shop for supplies pre dnd.


Girl behind counter (sight accent): I like your hat. Those are bottle tops, aren't they?
Smokey: Why yes, Miss! It is a fine hat, and you should get yourself one.
G: I could never drink that much beer!
S: you don't have to drink them all at once. I tell you what, in two weeks I'll bring you some bottle caps, just make sure you find yourself a hat by then.
Proceed with commercial exchange.

Two weeks later...

Trip to bottleshop for supplies pre dnd.

Same bottleshop.

Smokey browses shelves. Bottleshop girl, that Smokey is not entirely sure is the same one, edges past shuffling wine bottles, half smiles, maybe, providing no clarity. Is MUCH smaller than Smokey remembers.

Approach unattended counter. Place six packs (2).

One for me, one as GM bribe (we are in a desperate spot).

Bottle Shop Girl sidles to counter. Commences ringing up beer.
Smokey returns from shelf: -and this.
Hands girl bottle of Jameson.
BSG's eyes pop, (slight accent): something something party tonight?
S: No, Miss. Just a regular ol' night of dnd.
BSG, smiles, working: I had two beers and a shot of tequila the other night and nearly fell over.
S: Well, there's two issues at play, size, and you are quite little; and form, are you in good drinking form, Miss?
BSG: Blames tequila.
S, holds up bag of not-enough bottlecaps also containing contact details and offer of further instruction: Did you get your hat yet?
BSG lights up, bounces, claps: omigod! Wow. Nobody's ever. Something something.
S: let me know if you need help with more bottle caps. Good night, Miss.


quotes, plans, dating, conversations, entertained

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