Smokey does it again....

Jan 27, 2010 03:23

So MsSwindler is pissy at me, for i am not entirely sure what, she claims it has nothing to do with the drunk blonde girl that i was propping up, and more to do with the fact that didn't call/text her anything significant in the last seventy two hours. She has also asked for her painting back, so when i get it out of storage i will give it back to her, because i am tired of being treated like crap for no real reason and not interested in dealing with anyone elses shit any more. Sad, but there it is.

Saw Legs, who still owes both me and the Southstralian money. We had a little Australia Day drinky at The Beatle Bar and managed to attract a few other Aussies by nothing but pure mojo, although the girls didn't stay long.

I really don't know what to say and i kinda feel bad, but i am not going to be anyones punching bag any more, so i guess that's it. I am an asshole. Welcome to America.

the+street, growing up

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