(no subject)

Sep 27, 2009 02:39

Just annoyed.

Shitty night, called in to work to cover Crazy Redhead. Made SFA, and left as soon as possible while some fucking Indian kid, whose mother would be pleased with his politeness, but his father disappointed in his negotiating skills, tried to convince me to serve him after hours, in the discolightesque glow of an EMT trucks flashing blue and red, which was parked next to the vehicular barricade of police cruisers and the holding cell on wheels, the DPD paddywagon, which was as usual starting to fill as it does on a Saturday.

Heard 13 gunshots 3-3-4-3 bursts, taps, or whatever it's called, surely i have seen enough gun movies, and played enough tabletop games to have a better word than "burst" to use. Do you fire a burst from a semi? I mean if there was return fire, i could call them exchanges. The politeness of that makes me giggle, i can only imagine a situation where someone took to calling them "metal missives", or perhaps "black-powder tweets" is fashionably steampunk / retrofuturistic whatever is supposed to be cool these days. Because of a mistype, i have come upon an idea for a steampunk barbie/paris hilton line - SteamPink. It was funny when i typed it the first time. And of course something like that already exists and i feel like an idiot :)

A volley? Does volley work?

the+street, the+ding, words

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