more iraq

Jun 29, 2005 04:13

US official admits that the invasion of Iraq was illegal under international law. Of course, this is the fault of the UN, and particularly France.

THE American general who commanded allied air forces during the Iraq war appears to have admitted in a briefing to American and British officers that coalition aircraft waged a secret air war against Iraq from the middle of 2002, nine months before the invasion began. Which incidentally is well before Congress, with the "will of the people" authorised war.

There are even suggestions of the use of napalm, which in case you are wondering is a banned weapon and oddly enough the kind of thing that President Bush was invading Iraq over, a CHEMICAL WEAPON. but of course it's not "napalm" it's not the same brand name at all, the military has changed brands. And in the end it doesn't matter that the United Nations convention banned these weapons anyway, because the USA DID NOT SIGN IT. My favourite quote in this article is "The Generals love napalm." The Pentagon denies it's use, which i guess is fair enough if you get into semantics and correct spelling, but i would be inclined to trust the marines who had to dodge the shit, if they are calling it "Napalm" then it's probably much the same thing.

I particularly like this article by an embedded journalist with CNN

"It is now estimated the hill was hit so badly by missiles, artillery and by the Air Force, that they shaved a couple of feet off it. And anything that was up there that was left after all the explosions was then hit with napalm. And that pretty much put an end to any Iraqi operations up on that hill."

And finally the US government has admitted to torturing detainees at Gitmo, and in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Are you embarrassed to be American yet? Are you ashamed at what your government has done? But wait there is more.

The planet itself lashes out against us. Haven't we all been saying "it's getting hotter around here", "the ski season is shorter than it used to be?" for a while now? We're all going to die. My country fails me in this, as Australia also refuses to sign the Kyoto Protocol. I am embarrassed.

Senator Richard Durbin, spoke recently before congress about Gitmo, and of course he is a democrat which makes him worse than a communist, because he is merely hiding his filthy commie traitor attitudes while pretending to be a decent, hardworking christian american.

While i would encourage all of you to read the speech, i know it will cut into your TV/ worldofwarcraft/ fucking like bunnies/ praying to God time so i will share a couple of interesting passages with you.

He nails down the problem quite well "Our founding fathers warned us about the dangers of the Executive Branch violating the separation of powers during wartime. James Madison wrote: "The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny."

" The administration also established a new interrogation policy that allows cruel and inhuman interrogation techniques.

Remember what Secretary of State Colin Powell said? It is not a matter of following the law because we said we would, it is a matter of how our troops will be treated in the future. That is something often overlooked here. If we want standards of civilized conduct to be applied to Americans captured in a warlike situation, we have to extend the same manner and type of treatment to those whom we detain, our prisoners.

Secretary Rumsfeld approved numerous abusive interrogation tactics against prisoners in Guantanamo. The Red Cross concluded that the use of those methods was "a form of torture."

In other news can you hear that sound? That tearing noise is the sound of the US Constitution being edited.

Taken from which i believe to be an honest transcription of the document.
Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Now this
The Supreme Court has refused to support two journalists who face jail for "contempt of court" because they would not reveal their sources. The journalists argued that the First Amendment protects them and their anonymous sources. Which seems sensible to me, and the Bill of Rights which clearly states that there is a freedom of the press. Hecause how can the press be free if they cannot gather news of criminal activity without giving up their sources. Why are journalists now being forced to do the jobs of the police and other investigative agencies? Don't they want these jobs any more? Can they not do them? Or is it a case where we should all do as White House Press Secretary Ari Fleisher says...
..."all Americans... have to watch what they say and watch what they do."

Thanks to the Supreme Court's spinelessness in defending the First Amendment against government authoritarianism - the very situation for which it was crafted in the first place - Cooper and Miller will return to district court, where the judge will select the detention facility in which to punish them for doing their jobs.

The overall lesson here? Might makes right. So if you have a gun feel free to take that guys car. Feel free to take the weaker kids lunch in the playground. And a special one for all you ladies, don't you realise that you are physically weaker? Stop fooling around and demanding rights and giving men this "no" crap, men are stronger, end of story.

thanks to my very good friend 40hex for raising these issues, and thanks to google for helping me get more information, and journalists around the world for writing about these things.

Thanks to the Bush administration for making me too angry to sleep, so i wrote all of this.

america+is+never+wrong, anger, politics, president, war

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