(no subject)

May 08, 2003 15:12

Just what is a kiss? For that matter what is a hug, a "cuddle" or even a handshake? What do these things mean?

Certainly the first three can be seen as precursors to sexual intimacy. But then are there other sorts of intimacy? What are their signs and what do they mean?

A handshake is the probably least sexually loaded, i don't think i've ever been turned on by a handshake (some of you may say that i'm not doing it properly, but shut up, this is my journal), and it has become a formalised method of greeting throughout the western world. It's probably neutral as an act unto itself, although endless variations on the handshake theme will have different meanings, but they become clearer and more meaningful to the shakers than the uninitiated spectators.

But these other acts - what do they mean? They're not just precursors to sexual intimacy, they do have other meanings right? Would it depend on the relationship between the two involved or is it relevant to the context of the situation where the events occur? Why am i even bothering arguing this? Who knows...


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