another late night

May 05, 2003 02:00

Summary of events... who has time to write?

Saturday was interesting without cricket. Alf and iMac eventually came to get a kit at 1030. I had just woken up. More or less.

Edited all day with Girl Inc, and then State. She's stressed and lost it for a while. He's depressed in his own way. Burnt CDs for both of them.

Went to the girl's place, and hung out for a while, talking, smoking and the rest. Watched her stress about her essay. Went to State's place on the way home around midnight and stayed until 0330 playing Nintendo wrestling with Jordan, while State edited. Observed that Girl Inc is pushy and admitted that she is a user of people.

State has got his own problems with some girl that he is convinced is not attracted to him, but he really likes.

Jordan is a cranky bitch at times, but is much more pleasant when there's less people around.

State and i went to deliver a CD to Girl Inc and smoked a joint on the way up, while staggering through the howling wind, which tore thru the streets. Very cold. Figured that drug consumption would provide us with warmth. Which it did. State and i were almost painfully stoned. She seemed stoned after five minutes of hanging out with us, though Isotripy suggests that it might have something to do with the hour of the day more than the drugs. Were outside Ky's place apparently and a strange car pulled up shouted something at us, and then stayed there. got paranoid since no-one got out and there was no further movement so i decided we should walk in a direction together and not split up, thus making us easier targets. Walked Girl Inc towards her place and decided to go to pub. Had a beer. Just like old times

? Was it ?

Slept till 1400-1500. Dithered around. Took food to Isotripy's. Hung about. Watched her stress about essay. Read it. Seemed to make sense. Corrected spelling and some phrasing, but psych essays are full of shit anyway and barely in english so it's hard to tell.

She burst into tears, but remained completely self aware that it wasn't important anyway. That's one of the things that i find so utterly charming about her, that self awareness in the midst of idiocy. Said that i was so nice to her. Talked some ideas through.

Started reading "Cyberia". Fascinating. Came home. State busy with student newspaper. Watched the 3rd test until lunch. Wrote. Fell asleep (presumably)

drugs, girl inc, book, isotripy, girls

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