It's been a while since I've done any kind of episode reaction post, but this time I was determined to carve out the time to do it, even if I have a million and one other things to do. As with all other fandoms, this one is getting on my last nerve and I think maybe if I finally put some of my own thoughts out there, maybe my rage headache will subside.
Spoilers are obvious, but just in case, read at your own risk.
I'm just going to divide this in terms of characters, because that just seems easiest to me.
To start off, I just want to say how much I loved Stefan in this episode. (Is that an unpopular opinion? Whatever, I don't care.) Yes, he was a jerkface stupidhead the whole time, but...I can't. Just, his face. Here is what his face said to me:
"I want to kill everyone. No, really, everyone. ...oh, wait, no, scratch that. I want to kill everyone except Bonnie. I like her. She can stay."
I will touch more on the Bonnie part in a moment, but first: is it just me, or was Stefan extra snippy at Abby? I mean, yes, she is part of the reason he got shot and could've ended up dead, and part of the reason the other coffins were found in the first place, but it still seemed, I don't know, more than that? Like, I kept feeling like he was saying, "You abandoned your family. Because you wanted to protect her? Hell no, you just didn't want to be a witch anymore. Boo hoo, get over it."
There's also a part of me that's seeing a bit of a parallel between the two. Abby didn't think she deserved her magic (or her daughter) back because she left her family and then got a new one. Stefan doesn't believe he's worthy of Elena's love because he left with Klaus and killed a lot of people. Something to think about.
Maybe I'm reading too much into all of it. But they're good thoughts to lead me into the Bonnie transition.
Am I the only one who thinks Stefan is less of a jerkface stupidhead (yes, I shall keep referring to him that way) when it comes to Bonnie? Sometimes he even seems more like he did in the first couple of seasons, especially when they're alone or with just Damon. It really hits that spot inside me that loved Damon/Rose before she died. Damon dropped all his walls and was so relaxed and almost like a normal guy. Stefan is seeming to do this with Bonnie now and it's getting to me. And I say this as a HUGE Damon/Bonnie shipper.
Darn you
iluvroadrunner6 and your making me ship Stefan/Bonnie in the first place.
This guy. Oh this guy. If I were ever going to get married, he would be very Matt Donovan. I wasn't expecting him to be in this episode, but I was so pleasantly surprised when he showed up to comfort Caroline, and then stuck around for the horror flick that was the next part of the murder mystery.
And now I'm going to step away from the episode and just talk about Matt, because I didn't get around to it earlier this season.
THIS GUY. I am seriously in love with him and what little they've done with him this season. (I still need more, but I want this to stay positive.) I LOVE that a guy like this exists in a supernatural drama who just TOTALLY falls apart over all that happens in this town. He seems to be dealing a little better than he was, but when he drown Yes, it was reckless and stupid, and heartbreaking, because I am fully convinced that he was totally okay with the idea that Bonnie might not actually save him, but it was just so...real, ya know? There aren't a lot of characters like that in this genre.
First off, I don't think most of this fandom understands Bonnie at all, and sometimes her fans understand her even less. (Same problem with Lana/Clana/Lexana fans in the Smallville fandom, but that's another topic.)
ever_neutral and I have already discussed this, but I'm putting it here so anyone reading this knows my opinion: Bonnie is not simply a plot device. It's not the writers who are placing her in the role of the witch, it's her. Before she was just a teenage girl, a chatty cheerleader with a supposedly crazy drunk grandmother. Then she found out her Grams wasn't so crazy and she really was a witch. And yeah, it freaked her out. She didn't want it. But I think it's safe to say she's totally and completely embraced her identity as a witch, and it gives a lot of purpose and meaning to her life, which is something I'm pretty sure she appreciates. Even when part of her would rather stay out of it, she can't, because she wants to do right by her power, her friends, the world, her Grams. If there's anything I love about this storyline, it's that it makes that very clear, even if it's only me and a handful of other people I have the pleasure of knowing.
I do think there needs to be more Bonnie, especially interaction with the Salvatores, but to those out there who are belittling what is there: QUIT IT.
I loved all her scenes in this episode and I can't wait to see what's next for her. So there.
The Forbes
I feel like I should group all of them together here.
First of all? I loved Bill Forbes as a character. Yes, I know, nearly everyone hates him, and I get why. However, I don't really judge characters the way I would actual, real people. If I can love Damon (which I do), I can love Bill.
I think my favorite thing about him is that he can realize his daughter is still his daughter, he still loves her, and he was wrong to do what he did to her, but it doesn't change the fact that he doesn't believe people should cheat death. He was a horrible person, but I can actually respect that about him. I'm glad there is at least one character in existence who occupies that space where having personal conviction (which stays firmly in place) that doesn't equate to hatred. I am so lacking in someone to identify with in that sense. Thank you, TVD, for Bill Forbes.
I hate that he had to die so soon, but I guess enough people hated him that they decided they needed to. I am really glad for his and Caroline's talks, because I think she really needed that. The same goes for Matt, and Elena. My only real disappointment with the whole situation is we didn't really get a scene with Bill and Liz. I wanted to see something similar to what Stefan and Elena went through when he was convinced the best thing to do was take off his ring and let the sun come up, except with Bill standing his ground, because that's Bill. He didn't strike me as someone who would change for anyone.
And I keep having to backspace and change my wording because I keep talking like he's still alive. ;_;
I'm just going to move on now.
It sounds like a law firm, but it's my label, so get over it.
I want to say there are no words, but I have to say SOMETHING.
I don't think I've ever reacted in such an emotional way as I did when Elena stabbed Alaric in the heart. I mean, I watch this kind of thing all the time without batting an eye. But that scene...I was literally choked up. The tears were flowing, and suddenly I was choking. Maybe I'm just over-identifying, but I felt like I'd done the same thing to one of my family members, and I know what that feels like. I'm unfortunate enough that a lot of my dreams have this reoccurring theme of me killing my family, though unintentionally, and seeing her do it intentionally just brought that all back.
Have I mentioned lately how insanely jubilant I am that I usually don't remember my dreams?
I loved the scenes, though. The whole thing just had a HUGE emotional empact on me.
I'm tired of the hate for this woman. I kind of get it, but still tired of it. I'm not quite sure I like her, but I certainly don't dislike her.
At first I thought, maybe her ex got badly wounded somehow, she injected him with vampire blood and he died anyway, so she took care of it rather than have a no doubt very angry guy on her hands. Angry guy would get angrier if he completed his transition, because he wouldn't be a vampire if he hadn't completed the transition. Then Bill was killed. As guilty as she looked, I never believed it was her. I don't know what it is, I just didn't.
I still don't really know what to make of her yet, but I don't think she's the crazy people are making her out to be.
The Originals
I don't know how excited I should be about all of them being awake. I kind of am, but then I'm kind of not. Very curious, though.
I'm not really surprised Esther forgave Klaus. I don't know, I'm just not. It was kind of incredible to hear her say it, though.
I think I covered most of what I loved about the dinner party with Stefan's "die world die" face. Also, there was Elijah. He's always wonderful, especially when he's asking about Elena and waking up his family.
Is it just me or was Damon flirting with Elijah? I think this is the reason I can actually slash him. He's really gay for a guy who has so far been shown to pursue only women.
...that's pretty much all I have to say about Damon right now. It really is.
I...guess that's it? Questions? Comments? Spaghetti? I could really do with some spaghetti right now.