Love me or hate me! Either way you're thinking of me.

Sep 08, 2011 19:06

The lovely people at womenlovefest are having a week-long event starting tomorrow celebrating the hated women of fandom. Now this is something that I want a physical representation of so I can squish it in my arms because it seems the vast majority of the characters I'm crazy about are the ones that get the most hate. If you're in the same boat, join me and many others and get your gush on!

As stated in the original post, the fictional female in question doesn't have to be a woman the majority of fans hate (Lana Lang), just that at one point or another, you felt fandom hatred. It's enough if you read things like this: she deserves to die because she doesn't support the fan favorite (Bonnie Bennett), that bitch tries to act like a man (their example is Kara Thrace, but I read something similar about Lois Lane just today). My favorite is the Sue-calling of Marti Perkins (pictured above) in the Hellcats fandom. It's the reason I left that fandom within a few airings because I just couldn't stand it. At least my other fandoms are big enough that I can find a corner that I'm somewhat comfortable in.

I've rambled. I'm a rambler. At least I am when I'm passionate about something. Please, give some love to the hated females of fandom!

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