Day Six - Favorite female-driven show
I didn't have much of an expectation for this show when it first came on. I only watched the first episode because of this cracked out idea I had months before that included Ruby stuffed into an Ashely Tisdale-shaped cheerleader. When there was an actual cheerleader played by could I not watch at least one? But man, I fell hard. I love the characters and their relationships and their glaring's just beautiful. One of the best parts is how they've managed to portray cheerleading as a really worthwhile sport, which nothing else I've ever watched has done for me. I watch and totally understand why someone would love it so much they'd make it their life. Heck, if I was still young enough, I'd start training right now.
Day One - Favorite female lead character Day Two - Favorite supporting female character Day Three - A female character you disliked but grew to love Day Four - A female character you relate to Day Five - Favorite female character on a male-driven showDay Six - Favorite female-driven show
Day Seven - A female character that needs more screen time
Day Eight - Favorite female character in a comedy show
Day Nine - Favorite female character in a drama show
Day Ten - Favorite female character in a science fiction show
Day Eleven - Favorite female character in a children’s show
Day Twelve - Favorite female character in a supernatural show
Day Thirteen - Favorite female character in a fantasy show
Day Fourteen - Favorite older female character
Day Fifteen - Favorite female character growth arc
Day Sixteen - Favorite mother character
Day Seventeen - Favorite warrior female character
Day Eighteen - Favorite non-warrior female character
Day Nineteen - Favorite non-human female character
Day Twenty - Favorite female antagonist
Day Twenty-One - Favorite female character screwed over by canon
Day Twenty-Two - Favorite female character you love but everyone else hates
Day Twenty-Three - Favorite female platonic relationship
Day Twenty-Four - Favorite female romantic relationship
Day Twenty-Five - Favorite mother/daughter relationship
Day Twenty-Six - Favorite female group of characters
Day Twenty-Seven - Favorite female from a medical or procedural show
Day Twenty-Eight - A female character that needs to be resurrected
Day Twenty-Nine - Favorite sister relationship
Day Thirty - Favorite female guest star